Sunday, May 01, 2005


Those hairy sumbitches at Subway toasted my Sweet Onion Chicken Teryaki sub without even FRICKING asking! It was so damn busy, and I was late enough to job # 2 that I didn't have them corrected.

Let me just rant for the record that I do not like toasted subs. It turns the bread into stale they left it sitting out overnight, but without the mold. And crumbs! Fycking crumbs EVERYwhere, and what's even WORSE is that the hard tack which they call the bread cut the hell outta the roof of my mouth! So now I sit here typing, pissed at Subway, and running my tongue along the roof of my mouth like I was 10 and just ate a bowl of "King Vitamin". (Remember that happy crappy? It was the generic form Cap'n Crunch. Whatever they put in those cereals to keep'em free from the dreaded "Soggies" only wound up turning them into Golden Toasted Razor Blades. No wonder I liked Puffed Rice as a kid.)


Anonymous said...

I got a sub once from Quizzie's and their oven was broken, so I had to have it untoasted. Talk about crappy bread! I love them when they are toasted. Untoasted? Dry, stale, chewy. Icky! Icky! Icky!

P said...

Maybe it's Sub of Way's bread that doesn't hold up to the toasting test.

I tried a quizzie sub last year. Never again. I told'em "no cheese" as the worker bee slapped some on anyway. THEN they threw a stink when I reiterated "No cheese" (After they stuck it through the toaster) so to make it up to me they scraped it off, post-toasting. Quizno's are now the ones who are the ball-lickers IMHO. And I think that they only thing I can really dig toasted, toast. I just want my bread soft!!!! YEEeARRRGGHHHH!!!!