Monday, May 23, 2005

Shhhh, can you keep a secret?

A super-secret-

Have I ever explained the concept of super-secret boyfriends and girlfriends? Otherwise called "Blue Moon B/F’s or G/F’s". I’m sure I did at some point, which means I’ve already proven how terrible I am at keeping these "super secrets" BLAST!!! : )

I was explaining them to Tallen the other day at Kaisers show. (Which y’all shoulda checked out. It was pretty good. I have to give him shite because of the moment his character starts mackin’ on Louka…well let’s just say that Tallen and I noticed that it was a very "Kaiser" moment. Player.)

There are a few ground rules which need to be laid down:

1st- A blue moon girlfriend or boyfriend is one where there is absolutely no intention of naughtiness, whatsoever. The idea of sexual gratification or advancing the relationship is unthinkable and unnecessary. Why?

2- You could already be in a serious committed relationship while having a blue moon beef or geef. They too, may be in a long termer.

3- the dude or chick in question is probably a great, even bestest friend. They are someone you pal with and may already have an incredible amount in common. Even if you don’t get to see them all that often, you still have a compatible charm of someone you feel completely comfortable with. Together, you two just "get it".

4- Generally, they are very funny. The reason why there is no (and should be no) sexual commiserating is due to the fact that a terrific sense of wit and humor is usually used in lieu of actual fornication. Flirting would almost seem uncouth.

5- Both parties must be adept at smack talking. At other people, and especially toward each other. If you can take the slings and arrows of each other’s barbs. (And they shouldn’t be cutting or loutish.) Then you’ll understand the meaning. Benedick and Beatrice got nothing on you two.

6-NO Sex.

The reason that they are "blue moon" is because if the planets were aligned, the stars in the right place, and mass quantities of Ice Cream and Chocolate wouldn’t make you look like Grimace- you two would probably be dating. J was never a SSGF because she had already established herself as soul mate from the get go. (And though she is funny, snarky, and we have mucho in common- We still figured we probably wanted to do each other- So she is elevated from SSGF to future wife. Cool, huh?) I’ve actually had a couple of SSGF’s. (Polygamy is allowed with them.) Which is cool because they never get jealous.

You can either elect to tell your SSGF that you’d like them to be Your SSF if you desire, or be cool- and keep that quiet satisfaction to yourself. Mates, do not fear the SSG or BF as they will never take your place or cause your lover to stray. They’re a great partner to both of you.

They’re just…secret.


Frethem said...

Just what are you trying to tell me about Debbie?

Ok, that's two mentions to my "Macking" in the show that was Kaiseresk from you. You're gonna have to tell me what it was now...

And P, just how do you know what my macking looks like?!?!?! :-p

P said...

Ya big dork. It was the same moment I mentioned in my email this morning! (Folks, for the uninformed: I sent him a congratulatory email which referenced said "mack-moment".) And because APPARENTLY he wants more specific recognition, it was when when you did the whole "Lean in to Louka for a smack-ah on the lips-ah...and she does the whole 'duck away'". Deebs and I looked at each other and started snickering. (Insert licking finger/straightening eyebrow gesture here.) Jeez Louise and double my cheese! We find a funny endearing moment and you crush our hearts!!! I I I...but I can't.

; )

Frethem said...

You referenced it, but you never said what it was in the email posty-poo. :-*

Anonymous said...

Was there only one Kaiseresk moment? Really? Just one?

P said...


They should have never built the theatre w/in walking (during intermission) distance of Prestons. Eeeeeevil.

Anonymous said...

don't you mean they should all be required to be near enough to a bar for intermission shotskys?

And, yeah, side note:
anyone ever see someone drink a glass of pinot like a shot... my buttery nipple took more time to glug than his entire glass of pinot... i was stunned and in awe! (tee hee... I said nipple)

P said...

Now...I'm embarrassed.

I'm a quaffer folks. It's true. My dad and I emptied our beers in record time after manual labor this Sunday.

Dad: JEEsus CHREEIST M----! You drank that fast!

Me; JEEsus CHREEIST Dad! YOU drank that fast!

Both: "Har de har har"

The end

Anonymous said...

Just how many SSCF's have you had?

P said...

None as wonderful as you sweetie. I think you are the only person who'd "get" why the summer of '99 was so awesome.

; *

Anonymous said...

There is nothing like jello cake and little lesbians is there. A summer a will always look back on and smile.