Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Not too Shabby...

Not too shabby

Is ¼ Cabby. That’s right folks, I arrived home this Friday evening after a booooooring night at job #2 to ¼ of the cabinets completed. (Seriously, one dude working by himself for 10 hours? Get yourself a helper, man! Sheesh!) Apparently installing the corner unit (unit, Smile) is the toughest part and the rest is “Duck Soup”. Oh well. Perhaps yea job will be verily complete tonight?

So, I attended a goo-bye soiree’ for a friend going out to NYC and can I just say LUCKY! Seriously, some peeps have fortune smile at them and damn…for what she’s getting for a 2 BR in the city? Well, Damn. Anyway, I think (all things considered) I was on my best behaviour that evening, and was even joined by my loverly fiancée’. Geef and I are officially married (Sorry Weef) as I have bestowed him with the “one ring” for his upcoming Flying G supershow. Brother, I so hope it can make it onstage. Kaiser said he was wearing an ensemble that was similar to tastes that I have. Huh. I’m a fashion plate and didn’t even know it. I had a funny in here about “Mini-P” but (A) it sounds dirty and (B) Dude is taller than me. No way.

Did I mention that the bar had all sorts of hot-ass-folks in there? Seriously, out of towners should check out the fine ass boys and girls in our theatre scene. I’m just sayin’.

Saturday I saw an awesome Rick III. RPK said it best “Sally and GG are FIERCE”. Oh yeah. That pretty much sums it up. Just, bad ass acting all around. (There was one gal in the cast that just physically reminded me a smidge of “Cheri Oteri”. Funny.) I’m batting a .1000 right now, (seeing good shows over the past 4 weeks) With “Desire” coming up next weekend, I’m hoping for a pentaveret of good theatre.

I did scoot out of the theatre in haste because (get this) I had to regress to high school. That’s right kids, Mom and Dad was outta town so me and the girl snuck over to use the Hot Tub. And it felt awesome, all around. (“No it’s cool baby, the shades are drawn and I’ve locked the porch. We can get totally buck if we want too.” Yup. Totally-Buck. There it is: further proof that I’m living in 1991)

Lawn work took up the remainder of the weekend. And I am...in pain. All over. In my defense, who the frick plants shrubs all over ramshackle in a back yard? WTF were you thinking? Do you have any idea how shitty it is to back hoe out all that shit manually? Fuck. I collapsed on the lawn (To be funny, mind you) but I was plumb ass exhausted. And I had the back-hoe bounce and spin back at me, cracking my knee-cap. I cursed. ("Jeezus-Titty Fucking CHRIST That HURTS!") Later, we iced down and BQ’ed (well, “Foremen’ed” outside) and later watched the movie “Geef part II” and the newest funny funny that y’all should rent (I’m slow w/movie rentals) “Team America: World Police”. I cried laughing. “America!!! Fuck YEAH!!!” Just...too many quotable things in that movie. You got that, Chuck?

And, um, I said “No” to the show. After some thought I felt it for the best. I recommended a dude that would be good for it. I am fairly certain my decision didn’t make them happy, but... Well, yeah. Them’s the breaks. The end. How was yer weekendses?


Portana said...

'Rents came, fix-ups by Pop completed and a really bad 13 mile run accomplished. Rain--blergh. Never fails in MT, its either hotter than h-e-double hockey sticks or it rains. The picnic was moved indoors, grrr. Otherwise, pretty mellow weekend.

Enjoy the advil bottle today P!

Anonymous said...

Weekend was OK... mom came over and spray painted my yard, told me where to kill grass and start diggin'. Saw Hitch's Guide to the Galaxy... I knew better... I really did... trying to go back to my memories of the mini-series. Wish I woulda talked you you and the missus more on Friday - I was not feeling quite up to par that night. Sigh... off to baby sit the mini Eitel tonight... oh, the hair!

raven said...

hey, I was at Richard III on Saturday as well. And I am sooo glad I am not hte only one who was reminded of Cheri Oteri by that woman.
Other than my usual Saturday night shenanigans, the weekend was blah. And it slipped away too quickly.

P said...

Raven! Where n the heck were ya? Y'all shoulda tapped me and said Hello!

raven said...

We were all the way to the right, next to the musicians, in the makeshift seating. Somehow, we must have missed you...hmmmm...