Thursday, May 26, 2005

My mouth tastes like cat litter

Urgh. (1st of all- thanks for all the advice yestiddy, peeps. I appreciate it.)

I have a hangover. A mild one, but a hangover nonetheless. And I hate it. Hard to feel on top of your game when you have that revolting sour taste in the back of your mouth. Berrgah. Maybe it's cos I was drinking the Pinot from a pint glass...( I'm a classy broad, what can I say?) Or maybe it was after the bottle was empty ( NOT by my hand, thank you. I teetotal, but not that..totally.) when I opted for a beer. Ick Ick Ick. When I went home to paint, I ended up stripping, showering, and hittin' the hay. Didn't even get to say "Goodnight" to my sweetbaby. Wait, I should hit "rewind" for a sec.

I went to a fun little dinner party last night. I really dig on gatherings like that- (Not to disparage big parties, of course) but a night of good food, booze, and conversation IMHO is never a wasted evening. I brought a charming little pesto pasta dish which wasn't as popular as I had hoped...However I am suspect that somebodies shrimp toast manipulated everyones willpower. ; ) You want a spirited discussion? Try putting someone that haaated the new Star Wars in a room with someone who loves SW canon. The conversation SHOULD have died quickly but ohnononon... I had to keep it going. Nanook- I am a nitwit who should be banned from licka and parties. BTW, if you see a certain bald director-give him a hug. He had a awfulnogoodverybad day yesterday.

Today- I'm hungover (If I hadn't mentioned it before), bloated all to hell (Thank Beer!), and ruing the day I ever thought I should wear a tank top to a spring dinner party (Kaiser, I'm wearing baggy clothes for the rest of the year). I should really just make it a point to lock myself in my house when I get an invite to these things. Or maybe, oh I don't knoooow...not drink when I go to them? I'm like Bridget frickin Jones when it comes to drinking and talking. Oooooo there is a new thread: Things NOT to do after drinking a lot. (And I'm not just talking about driving.)


Anonymous said...

actually... I made shlimp toast, a close cousin to the shrimp toast... but, not quite the same thing... tasty deep fried goodness! glad you came out, rare i get to see the endangered P in the wild. it's nice to see him in his natural habitat ;-)

Portana said...

Drinking rule #5--
Never mix the flowing:
Beer and Wine
Hard liquor and Wine

Though you knew better than that!

P said...

My natural habitat or my natural state of being? (Fat and lippy.) Had a great time darlin' I said, I do love little gatherings like that.

And seemed like a pretty good idea at the time : )
(I'm sticking with snarfing beers at St.Paul Saints games. )

Anonymous said...


I hope all is well. I have to admit that I about pissed myself reading this post (around the Bridget Jones line, but doesn't she prefer Chardonay?).

Kisses to you and the missus.

P said...

Oh, I don't know Nanook. My doofy spazzy tendencies typically don't translate well toward directors (meaning they probably ask: "Is this guy lit, or is he this spazzy all the time?") Kid fears.

And I think I need to run a little more before I am in full-on Jedi Tank Top wearing Shape. I've been feeling a little more Homer and a little less McConnaughey lately. I'm sure the wine/beer bloat didn't help.

P said...

(sighs) If only we all "could be" naked in front of gay men 6 nights a week...Life would be a pretty sweet fruit.


Anonymous said...

"Sheesh. If Z could be NAKED in front of who knows how many gay men 6 times a week, I think you can wear a tank top to a dinner with friends. Spaz."

PLUS, i was totally naked in Take Me Out as well....I .....wait, I should stop talking.

Frethem said...

P, it wasn't a tank top... It was a wife beater. There IS a difference. That's why I mentioned something, not because I thought you looked homely in it.

You, Me, Como Park, around the lake. More than once. I'm still working towards my Brad Pitt Ken lines and six pack. I'm also thinking that I have a pool in the backyard of my appartment building... perhaps I'll be doing laps in the morning?

P said...

Damn Z...just, funny.

Kaiser...shup. You'll quit swimming laps when your floating ashtray capsizes for the 3rd or fourth time. ; )

"Hey, why did you get kicked out of the health club, P?"

"-My velcro-on ashtray kept falling off on the treadmill."

Bah-dum dum.