Wednesday, May 25, 2005

A little help...

So, um. Before I shit out anything light and fluffy...I need a little insight from all peeps theatrical who read this. Cause, um, things always seem to turn out this way for me and I'm a scatterbrain who can't make up his mo-fo'ing mind.

Any insight, would be appreciated, and if your wisdom proves true, the next time I see you I promise a full-on mouth kiss. Guy or Girl. I'm not picky.

3 shows. All of which run prrrreeettty much simultaneously. 9/9/05 to 10/1/05 ish.

1) I get a phone call last night to talk about H/R&G. Could be box-officering for all I know, but I'm kinda sure they had a drop out. Now, I haven't had time to call back and get all the details, alls I know right now is when they run. And I love the play(s), it's a company I've never worked for but I trust the people that direct it to do a good job.

2) Gayspell Auditions: Next weekend the 4th and 5th of June. Haven't done a musical since UBetcha. Would like to do a musical. There, I said it. I happen to like the music (having seen a fun, goofy version that an ex gf was in a few years back) , its a company I've never worked for, and I think it would be a good experience.

3) TeRP is holding auditions for Picnic on 6/13 and 14, directed by old whathisname. His wife put a bug in my ear to "seriously consider" auditioning, and when I talked to him at the Geef's Birthday it only served to further fuel the fire by purchusing, and re-reading the damn script. (I don't do my homework like this for auditions/shows unless I get a serious hard-on for the character/show. Get me?)

So yeah- one show I'm pretty much already in. 2 others are auditioning a week apart. Conventional wisdom says to call back the director to get info, tell them my sitch, and give them a 2 week turnaround time for a response. (Nice and hestitant. And you wonder, P, why you are plague-like in this theatre community. Brash AND indecisive) The other thing, is to audition for both shows anyway, what the hell. You can't approach these things like you're already cast, (Assuming makes and ass outta u and me.) but with everything coming at me so close together, coupled with the fact that all of these shows fall right the frick on top of each other...

Well, actors and directors alike read this filthy filthy blog. Should I audition for'em both? Are there any shows that my readers are leaning toward? Am I fishing for shit that's already cast? Or trying for roles that I have no business trying for. Go with the sure thing? WHAT AM I TO DO??? Why can't these companies plan there damn seasons around my absent-mindedness..ess.

Hell, I'll still probably audition for both of the shows over the next two weeks, but damn. When it rains, it mo-fo'ing pours.

Furg. Maybe I should just audition to be an extra (urm, "essential" sorry) at the G in "His Gal Freitag". Well, I could keep the Geef company. And we could go for a run around Lake of the Isles on the "2 a days".


Frethem said...

I always say Audition for everything, and sort it all out at the end. The likelyhood of you getting everypart is slim.

You should audition for SG though... cause I love you, and would drag yer butt out everynight I run box orifice.

Portana said...

A little cart before the horse there P--
Call back scenario #1, get details.
Audition for #2 and #3--Kaiser is right, you never know what is going to happen.

Then find out all three, then take a deep breath and go from there.

Not that I am that big of an acting geek...just sayin'....

P said...

Tosh, portana- Cart B4 the horse? Now yer just using them high-falutin' Montana terms: ).

Cart before the horse. Sheesh. When have you ever heard me cast myself before a show has been cast? I doubt I'd even warrant a callback to any of them.

I'm just flabbergasted over the fact that the "run dates" overlap like blankets on a bed. I asked her highness Miz J if she had an opinion and she said "No way- It's your decision!" No help there.

And yeah, Kaiser- No duh. I'm gonna probably audition for everything. Regardless, it doesn't hurt just to go to them. (sighs) it's just weird that 3 shows that I actually would really like to do are all falling on the same darn dates.

P said...

Wait, wait...can you guys hear it? Violin music? I just made a deal out of absolutely nothing.

Screw it. I'm just gonna stay home and watch "Golden Girls" re-runs.

Time for me to eat some humility, smoke some crack, and go to bed.

Frethem said...

Then bring your half drank bottle of Pinot Grigio ass over to CRT's and RPK's. Bi-atch!

So, are you buying a bottle and drinking half of it on the way, or do you already have a half drunk bottle?

P said...

I'm buuuying a full bottle. I just need to put my straw-topper cork in it. Hmmmmm, between my place and CeRT's is about 7.6 miles. Puh-LENTY of time to snarf half a bottle of grigio. Right Tallen?

Portana said...

Overlap like blankets on a bed? That there sounds like one of them there Minnesotian terms we hick in Montana wouldnt get.... ;)

Anonymous said...

I have complete faith P... no doubt in my mind.

P said...

Heh Heh Heh....Wait a minute. What were we talking about?

I wish we could have a mini-fridge at work.

P said...

Okay: I'm bringing Pesto Penne Pasta w/Sundried tomatoes, Pine Nuts, Chicken, and mozzarella cheese. And enough olive oil to choke a donkey. Is that gonna be okay do you think?

Anonymous said...

I knew the wine wouldn't make it to the party.

P said...

It'll be there...gosh! I would have baked you guys a delicious bass...

: )