Thursday, May 19, 2005


Well. It was a pretty darn good movie. Thanks again to Kaiser for hookin' us all up w/ tix (We all seemed to split rather quickly, didn't we?) Anyway, G7 does look rather thin, Raven. I think he shoulda finished my 'corn.

Oh! The movie?

I liked it a lot. It starts off strongly and ends exactly how you may have wanted it to end (Or rather, how it should since it leads into the SW we all know and love.) Yeah, I had some minor peccadilloes with some of the less than inspired dialogue. (I rolled my eyes BIG time during the final "Noooooooooo!". It was kinda like a Simpsons episode.) And Arrrrrgh- The whole Padme/Anakin thing coulda worked, except Portman was nothing in the movie. Literally. Nah-thing. Ultimately that was what really bit me on the butt during the whole movie- Staying focused while the clunky ass exchanges took place until the next cool action sequence.

But- that's where the movie excels- The action moves like a SW movie should. (Although, with the final fight- while cool- still looked a little like they were waving their lightsabers back and forth.) All the fights that take place kick ass, and fans and non-fans alike will be endeared to the "moments" that pop out. (Yoda first confronting Sidious comes to mind. He walks in the room aannnnd Bye Guards. J laughed out loud at that one.)

So, my final grade is "C" for Chipotle. They just stuffed waaay too much into this movie, when really this movie could have been made into three. BUT, the filler was enough to satisfy me, and I really feel that the series is complete.

I liked it.


Portana said...

Hmmm. Interesting review P. I keep trying to figure out if I can "cough" go to it, "achoo" before tomorrow, *shiver* since I am a *nose blow* geek. Think my boss will by the sick act?

P said...

Yeah, you can skip work. It's like, mandatory and anyone in the business world should understand the vital importance of the movie.

You should probably take down the Jedi Council diorama at your desk first. Like I did.

: )

P said...

I don't think Stoppard did a re-write. There isn't much you can "doctor" when you have dialogue like "Hold me. Hold me like you did by the lake on Naboo." Ugh. Terrible name for a planet. Sounds like a brand of tampon. Heck, the planet Tampon would sound better than Naboo.

I'm loopy.

MY favorite scenes were indeed the space battle (And dooku fight)
The Grievous/Obi Fight (Just, fun. I wanted more) the Sidious/Yoda Fight (Yoda's entrance to Palpatines office and taking out the guards was priceless.) And seeing the Young Tarkin kicked butt. Yeah, I had a good time. But dammit, they shouldn'ta had Vader cross his arms on the ship at the end of the movie. He's a "Hands on Hips" kinda Sith. (See the beginning of Ep 4 to see what I'm saying.)