Thursday, May 26, 2005

Do NOT do the following while inebriate*

*Brought to you by P’s book of etiquette. Some dates and sources are cited. All stories: True
Additions welcome in the comment area below.

1-Drive. Doi. (1999- I was at a party on Lake and Pleasant. I lived 3 blocks away. I stumbled out into my car…and passed out. I woke up covered in frost. 3-BLOCKS! Runner up would be the time I thought leaving a party hammered would be smart, and after I said my goodbyes I headed out the door. When it was really the broom closet) I lucked out, y’all.

2-Use a pool cue as a bo staff. (1998- "pool" party at a now defunct bar in the Geef’s hometown of SLP. As I was flailing it around, I almost broke the light over the table and pretty much scared the bejeezus outta the partygoers. My big brother thought it was funny.)

3-Tell the chick at the bar she looks just like Denise Richards. And then go on to say that you know her (Denise) personally. Yeah.

4-Swim. Skinny dipping seemed like a pretty good idea at the time, until I started swimming back toward the dock and vomited. Not, my finest moment.

5-Destroy a hotel room. Happy "Golden Birthday" P. Who do you think you are? Axl Rose?

6-Eat Sushi as "After Bar" food. For that matter, (sorry Kaiser, I know you love it) White Casshole does NOT make good drunk food. ‘Specially when you are emptying the contents of your stomach in the shower the following morning.

7-Hit on the bride at the wedding. Even when she starts it. They’re divorced now, in case you’re wondering. And dude is gay.

8-Attend parties thrown by (recent) ex’s who "think you’re the best guy and want to stay friends". Whatever. Taste my drunken FURY!!!

8.5-Along the party motif, don’t attend parties (where) you don’t know anybody…then proceed to get wasted to compensate.

9-Dive headfirst into a roomful of lesbians who are in full make out mode…. Scratch that. Move along to number 10. (That's one for Butterfly Girl)

10-Drink Rumpleminz until 5 am, then try to make it to your 8am Philosophy class. I did it. It sucked.

11-Don’t talk to your parents. (2000) It was a depressing time when both my brother (Who was recently dumped) and I (who was recently dumped) had to move back home for a couple of months. We shut down the BP Applebee’s (Where I told EVERYBODY that MY picture was up on the wall in the back...and that I was a practical CELEBRITY.) and I proceeded to berate my mom on her packrat tendencies when I got home. Big brother nearly broke my ribs the next night at sparring for that one.

12-Shark a party. If you don’t know what "sharking" is, I can tell you later. All I’m saying, is…well, yeah. Just don’t. Same thing goes for sneaking a quickie. Bad form. And the guests might see yer boner. (That's two for Butterfly Girl)

13-Sneak a quickie in a masonic temple. Pretty cool, but damn scary.

14-Spar. We all know that fighting is bad, ‘specially when drinking. You know, this is a better story for later.

15- Exercise, Jog...whatever. Trust is NOT Gatorade.

16-Talk. At all. Okay, this goes double for me, but seriously. P, STFU!!!


Portana said...

I have had some of my best runs the morning after STILL intoxicated. Burns the stuff right out. Ya dont feel a thing! Great cure for a hang over...

And I disagree on the quickie--oh, wait I am a girl, dont have those male problems associated with quickies. never mind ;)

P said...

I just can't do it. I wind up throwing up in the back of my mouth.

Sauna's kick all sorts of ace for getting the narsties out. That's why I love my "Y".

Anonymous said...

17 - go on a first date... a real first date... not a date for the heck of going on a date, but a date w/ someone you're really interested in... somehow, not such a good idea... who knew?!

P said...

That's funny T. Although...on our 1st date, J and I snarfed margarita's at Rudolph's whilst having a heart to heart.

...I guess you could say it ended well.

Ooooo, that reminded me of one of those situations where the 1st date didn't go well. It ended up with me in a terrible relationship...buhrggh.

P said...

[Z almost got the chance to join in a multi-girl makeout session a few years back, but boy doesn't know sarcasm when he hears it sometimes.... ]

Yeah. This is more proof that the Spring/Summer of '99 was indeed...a very very good time.