Friday, May 27, 2005

3 days of Cabinetry

In no particular order:
1-Cabinets. Swwwweeet!!!! They are being installed as we speak. Forking FINALLY!

2-I took a nice 2 hour nap yesterday. Which meant I could barely sleep a wink last night. Which meant that every noise was prone to wake my insomniatic ass up. Including fiancee's coughing fits (She's been illin') ANNNDD some weird situation which took place a scant 5 blocks away from my house. (I'm thinking- WTF am I hearing sirens and helicopters right-outside-my-window. Dang!!!!) Read about it here. Sad story. I used to tan at Tom's back when I went to school at the "U".

3-From MPR- Typically May in MN means 61% of the month is sunny and mild. In 2005 however, that # has dropped to 34%. And I wonder why I've been grumpikins lately. This weather sucks balls.

4-I called someone to say I didn't think I could take a gig. Makes me feel bad. I have a recommendation of someone to do it, but yeah...still makes me feel bad.

5-Seeing Rick 3.0 this weekend. Marking the 3rd weekend in a row I've ventured out for some theatre. I'm on a roll kids. And fricking broke.

6*I got a consolidation loan for all of my plastic. One bill per month, One way-the-frick lower interest rate. Sure, it'll take me 4 years to dig out again (Barring superfluous funds finding there way into my wallet). But, I'm no longer a slave to the debtors prison which is capital one.

7-Might go out to "Der Markt" this evening to wish the Heebs well in her new venture. But, am I like the only person in the world who was suprised by this? Hasn't she lived in over half the continental US w/in the last 5 minutes. I kid. But whereTF is her man-sandwich? You know... That movie writing dork? Wait...who am I kidding? I'll probably stay home and make love to my new cabinets...Mmmmmm ginger-glaze cathedral cut crown moooolding....Oooooooo. What?

8-My parents signed a purchase agreement on a new townhome. It's official: Everybody in my fam has now purchased homes within the last 6 months. That, friends, is weird.

9-While visiting my gayfriendssssteve and his partner at their home, a HUUUUGE rainbow appeared off in the distance after the storm. I couldn't have possibly made a comment which would have matched the irony- "Well there it is: This neighborhood is now the Gayest Gayopolis in the Twin Cities metro."

10-The "Servery" (My buildings cafeteria) shuts down for 2 hours from 9-11am for "kitchen prep" That also means no coffee, water, snacks, etc. That SUCKS Servery ASS!

11-My boss used the term "Mightily" in a team meeting today. To many snickers.

Boss- "What? Mightily is a word"
Me- "Don't worry, Thor, they've probably never heard it"
Boss- "Thanks"
Me- "Yea...verily"


Anonymous said...

I'll buy you a shot* if you show up tonight... ;-)

*shot = glass of pinot
for those of you who don't speak "P"

P said...

People are gonna start thinking I'm a tee-totaler! SHUP!!!
I'm still flippin Bloatski and Hutch from Wednesday. GOSH!