Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Seedy Underbelly of Show Choir

J choreographs show choir out in Bloomington, as many may already know. For the uninitiated, show choir is basically "choir", except instead of having an ecclectic variety of music (Secular, Showtune, Folk song, etc...) These kids put up what amounts to a musical theatre production number- On risers. Complete with Choreography (Hence "J") costumes, a full band (Not just the piano, as I remember in my days of old.) and a repetoire of pop and musical theatre ditties.

They compete, actually, at the local/state/regional/and sometimes (gasp) the national level.
However, they are HS kids, and J's biggest frustration tends to be the lack of focus/discipline in the group, and the fact that occasionally they just don't seem...in to it.

Last year, they had the good fortune to take 1st in a couple of contests. J was very proud that her medley (She helped cut the music)/choreography received high marks, and the kids were flying high. The year, with a new crop O' porkchops, she has to start anew. And performance wise she's picked a neat little set (Many songs from "Wicked") the kids haven't worked nearly as hard as they did last year.

So they brought in an expert. A show choir director from Sheboygan WI (Where they take their show choir very seriously) who has apparently many trophies in his case. The WI kids aren't allowed in ANY other extracurric activity when they get into their show choir. They EatBreatheSleep show choir. Shit, I don't remember choir being this competitive...but here you are. (I doubt we'll see this on ESPN any time soon.) Soooo, the Bloomie choir director decides to bring this guy in as an outside resource to audit the choir.

W/O telling J.

She sits off to the side for a while, watching him work, and finally gets up and introduces herself.
She leaves, shortly after, when she hears this comment from him:

"LADIES? Ladies...Remember: The bigger the hair, the smaller the hips!"

My mouth dropped after hearing that. Dropped. J was fit to be tied, and in utter disbelief. And they wonder why kids have body image problems? J hasn't spoke w/the choir director since Monday night, but I think the conversation ought to be a good one.

Had to get that off my chest. I'll post something fun later. I'd have kicked that fucker in his 5-6-7-8 shins!!!


Frethem said...

Ah yes... the competative world of choir. Don't miss that from High School. But seriously, it can't be any worse than High School Hockey.

Portana said...

Coming from hicksville, we didnt have that competative issue. In fact I had to sing Tenor quite a bit, because there were times where there just weren't enough guys or strong enough voices to cover the music selection. And that type of choir--we tried that once. Yeah, you should have SEEEN the results of that little number. Five of us could dance, the rest just kind of, well, beached whales comes to mind (not in size, but in gracefulness).