Monday, March 07, 2005

Feeling a little San Franny

It was 60 degree's on Sunday. I needed that, big time. Got up, went for a walllk around St. Cloud. GOR-geous. Shorts and T-Shirt weather.

It got me thinking of San Fran. I visited there back in August, and let me tell you that was a city to live in. Go here with me for a sec, think of blue skies, sunshine...the kind where as soon as you pass under shadows you get juuuussst a little too chilly (And maybe cross the street to the sunny side?) I hiked all over that hilly bitch, and lemme tell you that was a vacation. J did a live industrial for the Am/Ex convention and the producers put the talent up in the "W" hotel.

It frickin' rocked.

Personally, I'm a "Super 8" kinda guy , but I'm not gonna fool myself into thinking that it was too shi-shi for my tastes. One could get used to that kind of luxury. Starting with the all- black onyx foyer, the SMOKE FREE martini bar as you enter the hotel (Just like the Carpet...'cept cooler) , the super-fast elevators with the pleasant chime, the hi-tech workout room, outdoor patio with the covered kasbahs (One night, J and I saw one that was tied shut, and the soft moaning noise of a couple "coupling" was quite obvious. We laughed.)

There was also the soft jazz-techno music that starts playing as soon as you open your door ... The 500 T.C Egyptian cotton sheets (AND turn-down service), and to complete the image...a gorgeous view of the bay bridge. When I arrived (A few days after J did) she was waiting to surprise me behind the sliding smoked glass bathroom door. We didn't leave the room for a few hours. ; )

It was my kinda vacation (and this is unfair to J since she was rehearsing, but...) where I was able to get out and pound the pavement. I LOVE getting around a city on foot. Armed only with a street map and my jedi instincts, I headed out to see the city looking for an honest to God kung fu school in China Town. (This was, after all, the city where the master Bruce Lee had his humble beginnings.) Welllllll, I jibba-ed when I should have jabba'ed, and let's just say that you shouldn't go right when you get to the UN plaza or you'll wind up in "Cracky-Mc Crackwhoreville." Needless to say, I picked up the pace. (Chinatown was kind of a joke. Nothing like "Kung-Fu" the series.)

Our hotel was also right next door to the SF museum of modern art, so I got my city art fix (Fart fix). Seriously, I almost always have to visit a cities museum when on vacay. Even if it's as dumb as the Bubble Bath museum, I'll still go. I saw some Warhol's, Basquiat's, a few Pie-Casso's and even a Matisse, in front of which I exclaimed in a very loud and exasperated voice: "I hate him...I HATE...HIM!"

I nibbled on clam chowdah in a bread bowl on Fishermans Wharf and it is a long wharf folks...I thought I would hike it from the hotel. Again, bad idee, as I ended up cabbing back. I saw the "wharf seals", Alcatraz Island from afar (That fucker get's booked out a week in advance! I shoulda med rezzie's early. DAMMIT!!!) Took a street car, getting in trouble whenI did a "post-pike" off of the grab bar. (Where you grab the side bar and stick your body out in a "pike position". "GETCH yo' damn legs back in here! You'll knock yo' feet clean off!!!" sez the guide.) We enjoyed Ciaoppino and a little Pinot...just my baby and I. We just had a damn pleasant time.

And you know what else? There was nary a piece of smog or shite weather to be seen. It was just...perfect.

So this last Sunday, I just hoofed around Saint Cloud w/a Java Joint Java and enjoyed the sunshine. And remembered ol' San Fran, and a quote from the historical wharf. Wharfy, wharf, wharf...

"If the settler's had landed in San Francisco instead of Massachusetts...there would have never been an Eastward expansion"

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