Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Ha' Wed' (*)

(*) "Happy Wednesday"

So being in a show where I have a bacchanalian amount of time to kill, I'm able to indulge in a beloved hobby: (No...not spankin' it) Reading. I blasted through 3 books over the 3 week run, Intensity (By Dean Koontz), Shadowlands ('bout gene splicing and mutant kids), and last but not least...The DaVinci Code. (finally) If I'm really engaged in a novel most everything else will melt away, and I won't put the dumb thing down until I'm finished. (Yes, Yes...I am that cliche') And the DaVinci code was no exception. Yeah, I know it's gonna be a movie- But I gotta give Dan Brown credit...he packaged himself a nice little book. (It helps that I like Grail and religious mythology too. Shit, when I was in high school on my "Career Placement" test I stated my interests included "religion", "mythology", "TV", and "Public Speaking" my results told me that I should be a televangelist. MmWAH HA HA HA HA!!!)

That being said, articles like this infuriate me, and also make me a little sad at how narrow-minded people can be. I love how they say b"Don't buy, Don't Read". Nice message.

Oh well. I'm on to the "Batman Handbook". Although in the "training" section it says nothing about studying martial arts.

This weekend, We'll be finishing the drywall with help from a contractor and with the help of J's dad, we can then start the plumbing. It sucks. It's expensive. And Geef and Weef...I understand being broke-ah-broke too. (sighs) When your pipes "Gronk like a Wookie" whenever you turn them on, it's time to get it done.

J finally got her New Years pics developed. I wish I knew how to scan and upload them. She looks simply amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Iff'n you have another free Saturday day, I can help you with the scanning and uploading. It's not that hard, if you have the equipment or the willingness to pay Kinko's.

-The Weef.