Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I get a kick...outta J.

If I neglected to mention this before, J has been on as Reno all week long. On Easter Sunday, both of our families got together for the occasion. As I looked around the booth at mom, dad, and big brother…it occurred to me that this was the 1st time the 4 of us had got together without spouses, fiancĂ©e’s, girlfriends, etc in a very long time. And that furthered the enjoyment of a spectacular performance.

I bored the pants off of folks at Meag’s going away party last night, but let me say that J really nailed her shit. I knew she could dance (la la la) and sing well (Just a couple of mini-solo’s in past productions) but damn…the pipes on that girl! Watching her during the title number, took me back to the 1st time I remember ever laying eyes on her in "Crazy for You", all those years ago. (Before engagements and houses took over our lives) The way she whooped, hollered, cajoled her other cast mates, it was like she was having the time of her life. Without sounding like a reviewer, she increased the energy of the numbers every time she got on stage. And was she funny? Funnier than I thought . My parents and brother gushed, and made reservations to see her again the next day. (I’m going again tomorrow night.) One of the old hacks at the Chan said to her "Honey, when Michael (Chan AD) get’s home, I’m letting him know that your chorus girl days are numbered." And you wondered what all the fuss was about? I really wish you could all see it.

My buddy from the bar (Elsies) in the last weekend was Iron Glen (Due to his strange love of all things Iron Man). If y'all remember my posting about superheroes a few weeks ago, he was the one who drug me back into the world of comics with Gaiman titles. I hadn't seen him in 4 years, but it was flipping awesome to have ran into him.

Last but not least, I wanted to give a shout out to my girl Meags, who is transplanting with her man to sunny CA to chase the dream. Best of luck to you on your first time relocating, and remember: Change is good. 2 for 1's are even better. Also, I was able to say congrats to RPK and CRT, those two lovebirds. AND, I get a flier last night for this show, and they covered up the GeeF’s handsome mug! The man now has a Louisville Slugger mustache! ; )

I need to get out more. I've got too many shows to get caught up on, including the aforementioned link, Rick III, and a plethora of TRP shows. Whew. Having a break is fine, but damn, I finna be busy!

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