Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Bigfoot sighting...

I was so caught up in the nice weather last Sunday I plumb near forgot to ruminate on my weekend!

Another terrific weekend of Crimes. Sold out crowds which is such a damn good feeling. Mom, Dad, and My aunt came up on Friday to check it out and they apparently enjoyed it quite a bit. We also were featured in the St. Cloud equivalent of the City Pages, in a yuge ol' article with yuge old pics of our 3 leads heids. The online rag only has the one picture, but they make poor Stone look positively frumpy. (In referencing the title, I'm in one of the photo's as a moving blurry flanneled ...thing. Like the famous loping bigfoot photo.) I hear tell that we'll have another full weekend, with my big bro, his weef, and my buddy ry-gonn attending. Gooood Times.

I should also mention that this is the 2nd weekend of Barties- (read: Parties at our Producers) I have so far ingested 2 full bottles of veeno, and awoke w/nary a hangover. Strange. I did, however, manage to slam my thumb in the front door. I are dumb.

I wish that I could wax philosophical about sumpthin...but I guess I'll leave you with some queeck heets.

-My uncle was in town this last weekend at the VA for open heart surgery. He's fine now, they've superglued him together and he heads home today. Yes- as quickly as you read this is as fast as he came and went from the hospital. For open heart surgery.

-J quit showchoir. This is part of the reason. The other is really (really) she doesn't like the fact that the competition got in the way of the kids enjoyment of the performance. Whatever. It was time. I did get her all to myself for what was the first night in, well a long freaking time. We went to D.P's for 'rita's (They skimmed on the tequila) And (strong verb alert)...I hate smelling like the restaurant the next day. And I hate being too stuffed to be naughty. Any and all movement would have caused discomfort and sickness. Oooooooo ah'm just sooo beeeg.

-I had to turn down 2 gigs that I was offered. Fact is, I need to catch up on some bills/kitchen shit ($5400 for the new kitchen) and work may be sending me to Boston for a couple of days (in May) People say "Durrrr, nice

Kids: I hate, HATE, not doing a show, and I hate saying No even more. (sighs)...maybe toward the end of summer.

-J and I are postponing the wedding until summer, 2006. See above statement regarding bills. We talked about it and figured that entering the rest of our lives as debt-free as possible was more important than racking up the Visa bill. (At this rate, we're gonna wind up like Nathan and Adelaide before we get married. ) Did I mention our kitchen cost over $5000? Yeeesh. Cry, P....cry. You hardass.


Frethem said...

Yuppers dude... I'm comin' up on Friday to see it. There better be thingytails involved afterwords. :-)

Anonymous said...

I realized this morning that if/when you guys have kids... it's gonna have to be a "B" name, Brady, Ben, Betty, Bertha... so you can be PB&J. Sorry... at 7:15 this morning, it cracked me up!