Tuesday, March 29, 2005

EeeB's Weekend *

* Easter Bun-Bun. Thanks Easter Bunny, BUCK BUCK!!!

The move to my new worksite is gonna put a cramp I my style. I’m in what’s called a "High-Profile" area, which means I have managers (Putting the "Anger" back in "mANaGER!") who are now micro-managing. This really sucks.

Anyhey, the weekend….Recap time:
I hit up Elsies for a little karaoke. Kaiser and the Tallen were in attendence (I was told a certain Mother was too pooped out to join…poor thing.) J was even up for going but I eventually ki-boshed staying out late in lieu of face time with my love. While Kaiser razzed me about drinking a Diet beverage (In my defense, I did have a glass of veeno at home earlier in the evening.) Elsie’s has now re-affirmed my general sense of indifference towards karate-okey.

Elsie’s is one of the few bars that carry one of my favorite karaoke tunes (Favorite meaning it’s in my range w/out making me sound like a dying walrus) however the dicksauce that was MC’ing took it upon himself to "sing along" right behind me. In my ear. Dude, seriously, STFU. Baaad form. I emcee'd the shit, dork-pie...even if the person is singing pitchy, you just leave'em the farg alone!

My second problem of the evening, was the hecklers- More specifically A heckler. I'm guilty as the next person of wincing or rolling my eyes at some of the other amateur singers that grip the mic, but most of the time we keep our commentary to ourselves. Yet, I overheard this mean guy actually booing some singers and I found it more than a little insensitive. Don’t ask me why it tripped off my spider-sense, but it did. After his 1st,very loud "Boooo" I looked over at he and his posse which I think included a girlfriend. (She had her arm around him, and shot me one of those very embarrassed "I’m sorry" kinda looks.) He had about 2 more LOUD boo’s in him when I decided that I had enough.

I am pleased to say that in my tenure as both a drinker and martial artist, I have successfully avoided all potentially "martial" confrontations through a skilled blend of passive aggression, and comedic BS'ing. The reason is that bar fights never go as well as they do in the movies, and in a sue-happy society it just isn’t worth it. It also isn't worth the trouble of wage garnishment, potential incarceration, or getting 80 million jiggawatts of taser up your ass from an overzealous cop. (Remember the 'Cloud, Geef?)

I think I did well enough with this one: After his repeated booing, I gave him the angry stare (Oooo, the dojo vibe) and when he had finally made eye contact I said "That’s really rude", not breaking eye contact until he finally turned away. And then I left. Jerkoff. Well, that’s enough machismo for one blog. I can’t stands it when people show disrespect to complete strangers, especially when they happen to be doing karaoke, Especiall-ier when they are comrades of mine.
I didn’t even get to say that I ran into a very old and dear friend there. That’s one positive spin on the evening!

More positive hits later…my boss be starin’!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well... even if it was a short visit, it was good to see you. Next time you'd better stick around and at least watch me bowl. My new ball and shoes show up today! Leopard print ball and pink shoes! I'm a titch excited... can you tell? ;-)