Monday, March 14, 2005

Goodnight, Hazelhurst...

Well, that's done. "Crimes" closed on a good note, and having nice houses for the 3 weeks of the run really made it a great experience. Kaiser Roll and Dwin made a journey Westward on Friday night. Saturday was our closing party (Went to bed early again, per normal. Even after imbibing my weight in Pinot.) And Sunday we had an almost maximum capacity house...including my bud Ry-Gonn , his gf, and the Red-Hat Ladies. Ya gotta love the support. I got to raise my voice and give a shout out to the Barths. Their hospitality and generousity have been overwhelming.

I s'pose I should speak of what I did on my coveted "1st Saturday-DAY off". Not a fuck of a lot, actually. Exercised, put together this beeeyotch of a wooden file cabinet, and k-p'd around the house before leaving to Cloud City. Uneventful. Whatever. I'm old.

Guess what? Due to more house-shite, I have been forced to 86 yet another theatrical opportunity. (A new play reading* by this dude. ) Now, I haven't seen hide nor hair of him since Pie-Casso, but I hear tell that he's been prowling the seedy underbelly of Saint Cloud...looking for loose women and fast cash. fug. I really wanted to read that play. The man writes some funny shit.

*For the theatrically uninitiated- Playwrights will have people read their plays "out loud" in a Workshop setting. By listening to how the play sounds, new idea's can be bounced, characters cut/added, and it helps to shape out the play that will eventually be performed. The only painful theatrical experiences I have had from an audience standpoint have mostly been from sitting through shows that hadn't been workshopped. Which is usually the first question I ask the writer/producer when I see them after the show. Remember kids: There is much power in listening.

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