Monday, November 01, 2004

What did the ghost say to the bee?


That was for Jabas.

Busy weekend kids, so let's get to the poop quickly:
Friday: 2 tours. Both buses were packed. Whilst visiting the Chauncey Griggs Mansion (Most haunted house in St. Paul) we were accosted by Olga the Scary German Lady. Ask me about it and I'll tell you. No boobies were seen on the bus, but a weird effing apparition was seen at Oakland Cemetery. I don't want to say much more about that, but it was just weird.

Sats: Worked out a lot. (Hamstrings feel like piano wire today after Saturday's class) and then headed to the Costume Shop. The day before Halloween. It was a nightmare folks. (And the bosses neglected to tell us that they were keeping the store open late. ) I hated everyone in that store. Everyone.
"Does this place sell costumes?" "No, we're a restaurant, but we get that sometimes..." There were some boobies there...but nothing too exciting.

Sunday: Raked up hella leaves (6 bags, totalling 16 so far this fall) went to Hanover to see my niece and nephews and then back home to hand out candies. I saw some boobies at home, but was quickly asked to stop trying to get in the shower with her while I was fully clothed. (At least I tried...) After she left for work, I cobbled together what last minute costumage I could ("Battle Damaged" Die Spinne. I don't think I did half bad considering I whipped the mask together) My first group of T o T's was in the form of a veritable mob (No shite, 35 kids AT ONCE were on my stoop was pretty darn scary) after this was a done, I decided on making my bi-annual trip to the market to see some peeps, and probably some boobies. I figured a little napski would help me out, so I went to bed.

And almost didn't get up again. 10:15 pm and I prrrroooobably would have stayed asleep had the phone not rang. I nearly didn't go, Kaiser.

However, This little piggy did get to the market. Quite a few (covered) boobies were seen, on both the mens and the womens...

Fellow bloggers were dressed as:
Kaiser= Gay Porn star (Ok Ok...a pugilist. He had his moobs on display. Both you and Carlton, I swear. Closet Exhibitionists) ; )
Jabas= Serial Killer. (They look like everybody else) And MAN what a head a hair that guy has now. I wish my hair could look cool when it gets longer. I just wind up with a messy 'fro. And this dude pulls off that cool '70's poster boy chic.
G= Die Fledermaus S+M
Raven= That was nice costume lady. I'm just glad I was wearing a 'cup, is all I'm sayin.
Really G, you're a lucky man since not that many ladies can go out wearing somethin' like that.

3 glasses of wine later and I was ready for bed. I never stay up late on a Sunday, and I'm feeling it today. $21 for 3 glasses of wine? This is why I drink at home.

At home, my costume was both complimented and ridiculed simultaneously. She was already in bed wearing her flannel jammies with a few of her shirt buttons undone...I commented and her response was: "So?"

I tell ya folks, I don't think Peter Parker could've gotten out of his costume faster than I did : )



P said...

PS: The boobie comments are by no means meant to be taken as demeaning or chauvinistic. I'm merely trying to not bore my readers to death.

Soooo, yeah. Boobies.

raven said...

Awww shucks.