Friday, November 26, 2004

Hellooo? Feeling like the Omega Man here....

Did anyone else have to show up to work today?

That's what I get for not taking the day after T-Day off. (in all fairness, I'm only working a 1/2 day) I show up at the office, and there are only 8 other cars in the Parking Lot. 5 other peeps are on my floor. They too, should have requested a personal day. The NYSE closed at Noon CST today, so really there is no point to any of the employees being here. Occupational hazard of working in the insurance game. Pretty soon, we'll start scavenging the "outside world" for survivors.

So here I sit, broken hearted, tried to blog, but only.. HEY OHHHH!!!

House Stuff: Lawn is done. No more outdoor PJ's for us until spring of next year. Thank God. 26 bags of leaves, brush , and grass clippings. It was 28 degrees out yesterday (Fahrenheit, my metric babies) and I mowed the football field. The grass was still remarkably green too. Our back yard will be fantastic for playing catch, or perhaps a unique game of croquet. I wrote that last line to see if I could fit 2 words where the "Q" sounds like a "K". Okay, I didn't. Anyway, he doesn't read this, but I want to thank my dad- "P the Senior" for coming over and being so "gung-ho". It was good bonding time for dad, the dog, and moi. I'm off of my leaf vendetta. Apologies....

So 2 days in a row, I've gorged. This does wonders for the dysmorphia. 2 Families. 2 Opportunities to over-indulge. No dessert here, Portland- I was too full. My esophagus burned from all of the food that wanted to come right back up. Gross? Not as bad as I felt on my drives home.

Little family differences:

My fam. Brings a "Turkey Breast" (A roasted, slicable feast from which they create sandwich meat at the deli) Oyster stuffing (heaven) sweet taters, mash taters, pasta (For the bro's wife) and roasted veggies, French silk pie, and wine.

J's fam? Traditional bird, regular stuffing, mashed taters, sweet taters, etc...and lefse. If you've never ingested this Norweigian delicacy, it looks kinda like tortilla's...wrapped around butter (usually) and sprinkled w/sugar. I ate 2.

I'm not thinking clearly today.This weekend should clear my head... Oh the weekend, weekend... I'll be filling cracks at the new digs. (tee-hee...filling cracks)

Blogs to look forward to:
Why working 3 jobs, gigging, moving, trying to get married really sucks. Let me tell you- the bosses at jobs # 2 and 3 reeeeally fucked up this time. So what get's to suffer? That's right: Out of 16 rehearsals for Henry V, I may only get to attend 4. This ticks me off...big time.

PS: G- Thank you for the invite. I was out all day, but still appreciate you thinking of me.

...and I'll be dishing about the big kid birthday coming up this X-mas. Hence, the creative title of this blog.

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