Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Masochistic Turkey

A new name for a band. Catchy, huh?

Got the homestead paperworks filed, which marks the last stamp on home-bonership. We can now safely file taxes next year. Next step? Driver's licenses. (Maybe this time I won't wear a turtleneck)

We had a case of "small-worldliness" today. We ran into Tallen at the Homestead Filing place. Folks, this is why it's always a good idea to at least dress a little bit nicer when you go out in public. We didn't have make up on, we're looking like we just rolled-out-of bed. Go figure. We're in the big city for all of an hour, not expecting to see anyone, and Murphy's Law holds up a mirror and says "Do you think that maybe you should've combed your hair, P?"

After that rigamarole was completed, we grabbed a spot of lunch @ the good ole' Irish Pub, 'cross the street. There, I run into Amy L, an old school chum of mine. Well, once again I'm introducing my fiancee' and myself and I'm lookin' like annus. Major-annus.

I shoulda worn a hat.

No turkey for me tomorrow. 1st time in memory that I won't celebrate Turkey Day ON Thanksgiving. I'm gonna miss the cermony. I'm having din din tonight w/my folks and brother/wife (J has to work) and tomorrow, I imagine I'll be at the house priming the walls and stripping the borders. (Wallpaper, is EVIL!!! EVIL EVIL EVIL!! Decorative Border?? Impo-LITE and EVIL!!!) J has a 2pm Matinee, and we may stop over later to visit w/her folks in the evening, but only visit.

Normally, my turkey days have been a lot of exercising, even a nice 3 mile jog the morning of, to get my metabolism nice and ready for the decadent richness with which I'll be bombarding myself. Last year, we did 2 Turkey Days. Prior to this, it was always a gathering at my G-Ma Pat's (now, big brother's house.) With new wives and fiancee's, it's difficult to map a definitive gameplan. I am grateful, but ultimately I suffer from a tinge of melancholia for the "old days".

But, I now have a house, and a beautiful gal who loves me. Even when I don't comb my hair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I gotta tell ya P, you didn't look bad. REALLY. And, if that's what J looks like on a bad day... UM??? Wow, I'm sure seeing her on a good day will do wonders for my self-esteem.