Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Rassin' Frassin' House Crap!!!!

So our mortgage guy calls sayin': "Bad news buddy- Because JM is a performer, and works several different jobs, we cannot have her on the loan." Okay, so what do we do to buy this fuckin house? Well, you'll share the title, the loan will simply be in your name and we'll have to nudge up your interest rate 1/8 %...OH, and we're not sure you can close by the 18th. Did I mention that if we welch on the close date (which has changed 3 times) we lose our earnest $ and they put the home back on the market? (Earnest $ being $1000.00. KnowwhutImean, Vern?)

S'Wonderful. My personal debt will now be (potentially) increased by almost $180K.
I'm an old man. I can't jump through any more of these goddamn hoops. I gave the guy hell for about 10 minutes, had to leave work to drive to Bloomington so that I could sign/initial the appropriate papers and then haul a$$ back to Plymouth to work job # 2.
I'm gonna write a primer called "home buying for actors". Seriously. Learn from my mistakes padawans.

I mean, so she works 50 gazillion different jobs...she's employed, right? Incidentally, there is a townhome in Albertville (read: Egypt) that is 2300 sq ft, 3BR/2BA for $169K.
Albertville. Or if I were to move out there, "Fat Albertville" hey, hey, hey.

So yeah, despite a calm night at Knights, A nice workout, and a nice evening w/the future Mrs...I'm bone dog tired. Didn't sleep a wink.

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