Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I need muff....

Ear muffs to be exact. Mine always seem to disappear like socks from the dryer. Galyans currently have the "wrap 'round the back 'O the head" brand that I like so well...(You know, so they don't muss up my thinning coiffure?) I went to the ole Bullseye to get some and they had nary a pair in boys styles. (I did get some other cold weather runnin' gear like a turtleneck, but now I need some new smeggin' shoes. I just tossed my old "outdoorsey" runners )

So the house. The house. It's ours. And we've been working on it almost daily since the closing. The tacky carpeting is kaput, along with all the offending staples. (And oohhhh so many staples) We've cleaned a bit, and got mucho lawn stuff done (Before the weather gets reeeally fricking chilly) Can you imagine raking a football field? Go on. Imagine. That, my friends, is the back yard. (Apolgies for the hyperbole, but it's got a pretty big lot for the city.)

I'll miss this old place though. It was close enough to Minnehaha parkway for a great, scenic jog (Oh, the Mansions) . A stone's throw to Harriet (+ the rest of the Chain of Lakes) and the Harriet Rose Garden. There's the Washburn tower (Big gothic CEEment water tower, w/reliefs of eagles and 12th Century English Soldiers.) Great food (Fresh Wok) a Driveway. Mostly finished home.

But... it ain't ours.

(Okay, if you're bored today read on, but stop now if you don't want the Keilloresque digression. Seriously. You've been warned. Ready?)

I've lived in many different places around Mpls since age 18It's not that I dislike "The Paul" but really I've just never found a place that I cottoned to. Personally, I think the whole Mpls vs. StPl arguments are a little dumb, even if they are supposed to be playful jest. Now, if it was country vs. city, yeah, have at it. For the rest of you: Here's a life. Going cheap: Now get it.

I've always had this weird affinity for NE Mpls too. My 1st apt was a 2 BR upper in NE. Only $375 a month!!! Then, I lived there briefly in 2000-01 B4 heading to Western ND. ( Not a big place, but it was fun giving my friends directions: "Get off on my Johnson street....") I once dated a gal in NE for a while. Even celebrated solstices for a couple of years w/Her mom and mom's partner after we split.

It's a centralized, safer neighborhood than many you'll find in the Minne Apple, and has a great sense of history. (Not to mention a cheap liquor store not 5 minutes away. Maybe not as important as the shopping mall w/Target/ Rainbow/& Home Depot in it, but they have tremendously low prices.)

Well guess what? Now I'm a resident. Full Time. With a house that needs an updated garage, kitchen, bath, (Basement BR too.) and a new range, fridge, DW (It doesn't have one, but I want one.) sanded floors, wall and ceiling cracks repaired, staircase to basement reinforced, new washer/dryer, dining room table and chairs, creative landscaping, gardens, painted.....ummmm yeah.

But it's ours : )

ps: Not to sound gripey. Here's the boner...I mean bonuses- New electric/water heater/roof/shingles/house dehumidifier/central air/1300 sq ft/ 1.5 BR/wine (or canning) room/dry basement (no mold)/ shop/ 3BR's/ spacious lower level/HW floors/breakfast nook (we have a fucking NOOK yo!!!) and limitless potential.

pps: And this is Random. To the dickhead at the Y who, out of 12 OPEN working shower heads, decides to sally up at the one next to mine and stare....That was just fuckin rude. I know my bod, and "it" is not that impressive (despite the trimming. ). My body, is not impressive, nor was I amused or flattered. So quit frickin staring you perv. I don't think I'll be hitting that Y anymore. I'll rant about it later.

1 comment:

Portana said...

Of all the things to pick up on from this post, the cold weather running gear put a twinkle in my eye. I LOVE cold weather runs (even though I hate being cold, I know, I weird). The layers, the crisp air you breathe in. Back in the Shitty where I used to live, it would get mind numbing cold, but if it was a sunny day, it didnt matter to me--on went the tights, the hat, gloves, spikes, and the layers. It was a break from the insanity they call winter. I looked at it as conquering mother nature--she cant stop me from a run...ha! Damn, I am actually gonna miss that out here. Better pack my winter gear the next time I am out in the TC or MT. Mother Nature needs an ass whoopin'.