Monday, November 08, 2004

'Scuse me while I catch my breath

Man oh Maneschewitz. 2 Days in a row I've had douchebags come into my store at closing and want to "look around". Mmmmmkay. Figure it out douchebags!!! 8:30pm means closed! 5pm means closed!!!!

So my baby's show officially "opened" on Friday. 1 good review 1 bad review. Par for the course when it comes to reviews from the TC rags. Although, they were pretty accurate descriptions. I was able to get to the florist for an opening night bouquet and card. Sliced the f##k outta my thumb on the flowers, but I felt comfortable with a very aesthetic bouquet. (No "Super America" roses here baby!! Even though I know deep down she'd be happy if I brought a wilted carnation home...I wanted to make her opening a big deal. I think she like it. But MAN did I stay up too late. )

Sat Night, the Jabas came over for cocktails and a little "Mudslinger". He was EARLY, meaning he caught me in my robe and socks while I was lighting candles. It probably came across as a half assed seduction scene. I promise I'll have Skyy next time you stop over. And maybe real Martini glasses instead of the small ones. I'm back to being a shit host. : ( Thanks again though for being my "man-date". KWT told me I she thought I was a woman and ALSO that I was Jabas' date. Great, one more thing to feel reeeeeally good about. I'm now a big, fat, ugly woman. I've changed the direction of this blog entirely.

The show itself was okay. I had heard of some production problems during the rehearsal and it showed through in places. Pseudo-mean comment aside, Karen WT is a riot and had me in stiches every time she was on stage. Laurine Price was also good, and super cute...but for some strange reason I though she was AEA after "Hair"...Hmmmmm

Afterwards, J and I hit Tracys for snacks and booze. Thanks to SF and JM for joining us afterwards. We had some lively discussions regarding the TC theatre scene, and it got my brain racing. So I may post at (Where you'll find my reviews for the shows) Jabas...will probably never drive home with me again. ("WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING A##HOLE!!" "AHHHH F### YOU...BIIIIITCCH!!! Seriously...they make me weep for the future. Do not cross, when the car is crossing.)

Sunday Biggie came over and fixed my PC (again) and then it was off for 2 shows- Monsters, W and F at the Loring and AG at the chan. Lots of theatre and I think that I'll get into my post-show diatribes a later time.

It's getting cold folks. I'm cutting 2 holes in my Kenneth Cole sweater. Know what I mean?

ps: Kai-Ser....Power Cardio ='s Power GAAAAYYYYY!!!!! (I am kidding.) I'm liking my routine all right bro'. I just need about 6 more hours a day to work out as much as I'd like and get that coveted 6-pack. Right now it's important to me to get to the dojo 3 times a week minimum. So, I stay with the "4 Pack" and hate my nipples.

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