Thursday, November 04, 2004

Busykins, Busykins and Culture shock

It's already gonna be a busy one folks.

Tonight I go to future brother- in- laws swearing in ceremony. (He'll be "5-0" for the Crystal PD.)
Tomorrow, back to the bump and grind of the 2 jobby day. (I pray that the costume shop will be quiet the weekend following H'ween)
Saturday, more Kung-Fu (btw portland: I completely understand the frustration of having those twitchy achey muscle problems. Since hitting the dojo, I've been plague with starbursts of pain on my feetsies and grrroinage. My darling Julio has a rolled ankle and a pinched nerve in her shoulder from her show already, and she won't get a day off to heal until next monday!) ...and then?

Culture Shock
Saturday night I go out w/Kaiser and Jabas to see "the Mudslinger Party". I was a part of the read through a few months back and it was a funny script. I'll be interested in finally seeing it "live". And I won't lie, if they meet at my place it'll be nice to host for a bit. Kaiser, you are going right? I fear that Josh may attempt taking advantage of me on the date.

Sunday afternoon the fiancee' and I will hit "Monster's Witches and Freaks" at the Loring, and that night I get to see "AG" again at the Chanhassen. (Hey, free dinner and a show. And how I do love their "Chicken Chan")

"MW&F" had a pretty good review in the Press, but the Strib didn't like it all that much. (Flip Floppers) To her credit, Jules did get 2 nice mentions in both reviews for her choreography. She makes me proud folks.

And why, pray tell will I be seeing "AG" again so soon after just seeing it last week? Well, it's a good show, free din-din, and a chance to spend a little (little) QT with the Future Wife and her family. I won't lie. I like Musicals. Truly I do. I like being in 'em, and (If they're good) I like to see them. Saw "Cats" 5 times. No lie. She was freakin good in that show...but damn, did she get thin from all that dancing. (Like, you know, "wiry muscle-y" thin. Not skinny, mind you. It's just weird to see that much muscle all ripply flippy underneath skin that close up!)

1 comment:

Portana said...

Ice, heating pad, aleve and my sports massage therapist have all been kind to me this week. Though my massage therapist pushed that whole pleasure/pain theory to a new level. Why must something we love so much be so painful at times.....