Friday, October 29, 2004

Happy Halloween Kiddies!!!

Now, if only the dorks on the elevator wouldn't eat their onion sammies on the 'vator, I'd be having a splendid effing day.

Y'know. For years my family put out a YUGE HWeen extravaganza. Cemetery in the front yard, spooky music, a hanging dead body in the tree, garage gussied up like a mad scientist's lab..We went crazy! My favorite time of year, (Except for my know? Christmas?) This year it just doesn't feel the same. I've thought of some reasons:

1987-1 am, Some kids pulled down Mr.Hangy Dead guy from our front yard and set it ablaze in our cul-de-sac (Later that year, I'm nearly arrested for dressing up like a werewolf and pretending to "Kill" my big brother in front of the neighbor kids. Mom was non-plussed. My makeup looked cool, I must say.)
1994- I was in college, but still came home to "Play Halloween". Some kids stole our display mannequins. (And they were nice ones too: Freddy, Jason, Mike Meyers...yeah. Welcome to my hometown.)
1997- I was dumped, and then went to a halloween party that she was at to "win her back"..she hooked up w/a dude in front of me just to get me to leave. I was wearing a kilt and wound up sharking the party because this frat dude lifted it up for the world to see. I am a true Scotsman.
2001- An ex and I were planning our Hween and went costume shopping. She wanted to go as "bo peep" and have me dress like the sheep. "No!"...said I! Dead Silence and disappointment radiated from she...
2002- J and I, fresh into dating, went to a h'ween party at my big brothers house. She was a sexy fairy. Some drunk-aced douchebag made for a very uncomfortable night. (Made some really jerky comments)

This year, mom and dad are going to IA to help finish up some categorizing of G-ma's old stuff. i.e. Who get's what, now that she's gone. A sad side of a relative passing away, but it has to happen. : (

Ghost Tours- Can really suck the life outta ya.

AND "J" works at night, and so this will really be the 2nd year I will not have done anything for Halloween. Drink, Party, Whoop it up. I don't even have candy at home. We haven't even got a pumpkin. I mean, I work at a costume shop so when you see the dregs come into your store to buy stuff, it takes some of the flavor outta ya'. And with the pending nuptials, home buying on the brain, we've been really focusing on 1 thing atta time. And plus, I haven't heard of any big parties. Costume parties. The crazy kind.

I tell ya, If we get this house, I'm throwing costume parties regularly. Theme parties. Pajama Jammy Jams, "End of the World Parties", Costume parties in Summer (So the really freaky costumes can be worn) Mardi Gras dress up parties w/the cool half masks, wear a sports Jersey parties...

Happy Halloween All! Stay safe, and some of you peeps I may very well see at the market. I may even be ambitious enough to post over the weekend. Lord knows I'm never at a loss for s#it to say.

Thanks for the costume idea, Portland. (I need all the help I can get)
I'm suprised that Raven and G haven't updated their blogs...this is, after all, Halloween!

1 comment:

P said...

Understood and Duly noted....Have a happy halloween...Weenie : )

The Real Shooter