Friday, November 12, 2004

The Fabulous Diva, Miz "M"

I'll bitch about the house stuff later. It's made me madder than a swatted wasp.

I want my readers to know my girl. Y'see, the birth of today's blog is a result of a few comments I've had from friends who don't know her that well, except in passing. She's a little introverted you see, and we know a lot of folks who are talkers (myself included) and sometimes, just sometimes, she doesn't always feel included in conversations. (Has anybody ever felt that way. Never asked your opinion, or never had the chance to be given voice? It can be a little demoralizing) This blog contains spoilers, so skip to the bottom if you don't want to know how the story ends.

She grew up in Crystal, MN. (NW Mpls suburb, a stone's throw from my hometown)
Went to Cooper High School. (She did some shows w/Steve Zahn, if any of y'all know that guy)
She's a LEO. If you subscribe to Astrology, you'll understand that she is a Leo in every sense of the word. Focused, Fiery, Passionate, and certainly not afraid of confrontation.
She's known since she was 9 that she wanted to perform. And she loves it. Loves, performing. Makes her happiest. And I don't think I've met a performer who wears it on her sleeve like she does.
So what does she do? Performer/Entertainer (of course) . Member of the AEA, and AGVA. Currently in the employs of Chanhassen Dinner Theatres, (As performer, U/S, and ass't choreographer)Choreograph's Show Choir in Bloomington, Choreograph's various HS musical productions, teaches dance at a studio, gives 1 hr private lessons. (We have a heavy-ass dance floor) She's worked at the Ordway , Disney Stage Spectacular (As Cruella DeVille), and the 2000 Superbowl Halftime Show. (All stuff you'd find in her bio)

Because she's got the performers lifestyle, she doesn't have a lot of time to pursue fun, relaxing or otherwise superflous fancies: (Like reading a book, getting hooked on a TV show, Seeing all the new movie releases etc) So, everything generally winds up being work related. We're just catching up with some 2002 films we haven't seen, like "Road to Perdition"

She's got almost boundless energy at home, and is very "anti-procrastination". (She helps keep a random guy like me focused anyway.)

She's lived in NY, but came back. (I'll let her tell the reasons)
The girl Loves Disney, Barbies (She owns every Barbie she was ever given. Literally 100's upon 100's. ) , Angels (See: Our bathroom), and Marilyn Monroe.
Love's Movie Musicals. (Gene Kelley, Danny Kaye, Cyd Charisse) and one of her Favorite movies is "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"
Favorite Wine- Pinot Grigio (After my own heart) Favorite Cocktail- The Cosmo
(Although she's never seen an episode of Sex and the City. Strange?)
Can't eat vegetables. (Except Cukes, snap peas, and tomatoes. Veggies cause her great ill.)
Doesn't eat the red meat or porky-pork, but LOVES grilled salmon and chicken.
Does the funniest Cher impression I've ever seen.
HATES laundry and Leaves (She's a little OCD w/Laundry and Raking like I am with dusting and dishes)
Can't really listen to music without dancing. It's awesome
Her brain doesn't shut down ever.

I happen to think that she's really cool, guys. Because of her big ole' expressive brown eyes (Which look like they'll bore into your head) she's sometimes labeled as very "Intense", but truly, she's the most down to earth gal I've met, and one of the most generous spirited persons you could want to know.

So if, on those rare occasions, we're all ever out having a drink...say "Hi" I'd love it if people could see what I do.

: )


Anonymous said...

You warm my heart Posty and give me hope... I love hearing you talk about your love. Puts a smile on my face... is that odd? Oh well, I'll take any smile I can get, damn it!

Portana said...

I have had the honor of meeting your Miss and she is a wonderful gal. Again, my congrats to both of you. You melt my little tiny heart with your words on her.