Monday, November 29, 2004

You got something for my cracks???

Yeah. So the new abode has ceiling/wall cracks. The house was built in 1928 for pity's sake. I hope I'm still up and humping around at age 80, y'know? So does anyone know a respectable brand of crack filler? We have the old plaster/lathe walls, with a little texture to them. We gotta fill the butt-cracks before painting so time is of the essence.

Man, did any of you ever call sex "humping"? That is a funny word- humping.
"How was your date?" "Great, great...we had dinner, saw a show, went out for cocktails, I spent the night and we humped..." "Wow, was it a good hump?" I'm thouroughly amusing myself at this point.

So, I royally dorked up my foot at karate. (Specifically, My big toe)I would love to say that it was from sparring, or breaking a board, or something cool. As it turns out, I was dorking around for some of the junior students to make 'em laugh- (And get them to do their drills better) so I scampered behind them saying "Hurry Up, Hurry Up, MOOOOOVE!!!!" taking these little shuffly steps... and I came straight down on the mat with my big toe CUH-RACK! Bruised instantly. (Which was kinda cool to watch happen) Although now it's looking pretty gnarly, very "John Merrick-esque". (I'll be fine, gentle readers. I've had worse.)

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