Wednesday, August 01, 2007



So I haven't posted a s#it ton.

Sue me.

Not too much has been shaking since returning from vacay. The mega-hot weather has been mega-hot. I got tasked with getting my hot water heater fixed, which had gotten me down in the dumps. (Again, Baby P the broken record. $$$ always seems to make buddy boy into a Debbie Downer. I ask only for a little understanding, Yentl reader's. I've already spent $3,000 this year in various expenses. That's gotten me knicker's in a right pinch, wot-wot.)

But it's fixed. And the H2O is back to hot. Back in business.

I could jive about exercise. When you're po', you tend to engage in activities that are low in cash necessity. So over the last two weeks or so, it's been a lot of jog jog jog, lift lift lift, ' Fu. (Notice the "'Fu" is not in the rotation as frequently. Again, being busy and mopey since returning from the Southwest has also affected my attendence. That, and the school I attend is undergoing an ownership change. And Caturday, when I usually attend, has been taken up with Projects...) I proved my shoddy meddle during an unofficial CB gathering up the street from me @ Audubon Park. We played kickball. And lord oh lord did it help me realize how out of shape I am. (I booted a home run and I sprinted 'round the bases. By the time I got home, I was "hands on my knee's sucking wind" panting. Hey! I didn't want any ghost-runner's lingering!!!)

Speaking of projects, I could namby about painting my garage with Dad and Dorajar. Booooooring. About mowing and planting perrennial's. Or parties? About the lil' joint B'day for Brandino and Grimesey @ Erte'. The sad going away party @Benheidwick's for JeeF and MeeF. (Where Dorajar and I proteined ourselves out on Turkey meat) Or meeting Chowser and his WeeF for cheap eats and frassin'.

Of coooooourse, I could also talk about this lil' old sumpthin' sumpthin' that happened a little over a week ago in the form of a lil' old hardcover novel serial about a lil' old scarfaced teenager needing to fight the good fight. (Truthfully, I got mega-Pottered out by all the hype. As much as I love love love the franchise, and have the book and read it in 3 days? I was so overwhelmed with people going on about it that it kind of rubbed me wrong. Just...can we calm down and enjoy? Ooof. Go to "" to read a take on what happens when you work @ the B to Nizoble during Pottermania. Not pretty. Not neighborly.)

Great book, btw. Just what I wanted. And after completing my 6, I'm re-reading the entire frackin' series from stem to stern. N'yah.

I coooooould also frass about tooooooobin'. Thass right, I haven't toobed in 8 years? (The Pissle River in 'Sconnie lost it's appeal by my late twenties) However, the Cannon River was clean and pristene. And after being bribed with having my way paid (Thanks darling) And D-Baby and 'Lis plying me with booze (Thanks guys) we went for a leisurely 3.5 hour float.

And f#ck, was it fun. And f#ck, did I turn into a river casualty. More later.

Or food? How about food? How I've been working to perfect some of the meager dishes that we enjoyed in the Southwest. (The brefkist burrito mit pepper's, 'matoes, egg's, black beans, avocado, soy cheese, and covered in chile' sauce? It's working!)

Or my video taping? (Thank you Redwright, for the hook up) More later. To the good people that work at that ad agency? Never give me carte blanche on camera. I waste film.

Or the sneaky business Dorajar and I engaged in last night? Sneeeeeeeeaky business. More later.

Yeah. When I get in a mopey mood, I tend to cave myself in. It's maudlyn, to be sure. But it's me. And I had to hang with it for a while. Coo'?



raven said...

Alas, I understand the mopeys all too well. They definitely make it harder to post.

Glad you're back...maybe it will inspire me to blog again soon.

P said...


fiteawt? Fight away the blues, baby!!!


(Go to for the latest .gif that will make you smile. Promise. People biffing always make me laugh)

Portana said...

Its about damn time you blogged, says the the pot to the kettle...give me a few more weeks!