Monday, July 16, 2007

Flat bread weekend, or "My Tortilla Days and Nights"

It happened, yet again-In bed last night at 11:30. No sleep. At all. Toss and turn and cover head, cover body, sweat, awake. Frass online. Back in bed. Repeat. I blame the bean burrito's I made after softball, but man. Show some food restraint, kiddo. Please.

Speaking of burrito's, this was the weekend of the tortilla. Friday, before "Triple Esfrasso" Moses and I hit Pancho Villa's to share fajita's and margie's. The show was great. I haven't laughed that hard at a theatrical show since probably "Flaming Guns". (Weird. Out of all the theatre I've seen in Minneapolis and after catching show's at every major venue- The Music Box was one I'd never patronized. Bad Minnesotan) Afterwards we stayed up and had a cocktail across the street @ the Market before heading home and passing out.

Which would be the only good sleep I got all weekend.

Caturday I spent working out, cleaning the house. Went over to Mo's for dinner (Free Chipotle. Tortilla number TWO) napped. We split so she could meet buddies for a housewarming and I went home and waited for my friend Ryan to call so we could hit one of my old friends bachelor parties down town. Got home around 1:40 and did the old tossing and turning thing until 5:30.

Sunds was spent making runs to the grocery store, making a breakfast burrito thingie (Making it tortilla # Three) Home Depot run (Bought a ton of perrennial's: Asiatic's, Daisies, etc) More hosta goodness, and the beginnings of the 100 odd pavers I'm fixing to lay down to landscape the backyard. I'm still needing to finish painting the Southside of the garage so I don't get fined.

It's late, and softball is coming up soon so I go in and fix a tequila lime grilled chicken avocado wrap for dinner (#4). Incidently, I sucked and had entered the game under the false presumption that I could just go in and play and do all right. Not so much. Embarrassed myself, I did. Wiffed all my at bats. I should just stick with T-Ball. Or not volunteering to scab for a team that already works well together as a unit. Grump.

So I went home and watched the end of "First Blood" and fast forwarded through"The Matrix" whilst munching two bean burrito's to drown my sorrow (#'s Five and Six) . I ended up with a full beany tummy, then went to bed and engaged in the aforementioned fitful tossy turnies.

So that's that.

Tonight I go home and maybe nap. I need one. I feel more out of it than normal. I get to hit a PWYC performance of "Our Town". Hopefully get the sleep I need.

And I was fresh outta Ny-Quil too. Boo.

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