Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Double Feature, Creature's...

Winning the "Two Birds with One Stone" category: Us.

After napping, and whipping up a tasty dinner of wheat pasta/artichokes/tomatoes/pesto we decided to treat ourselves to an actual "movie movie" date night. We were torn, and going back and forth as to what we should see (A coin toss between "Ratatouille" and "HP and the OotP".) I knew the direction she was leaning, and since time got the best of us the former one of the latter.

And what a film. Go see it. Pixar continues to amaze me, and while I know this isn't my "favorite" of the lot ("The Incredibles" will sit on that throne for a while. Sorry. Gotta represent my geek roots) it was full of so much heart I couldn't help being moved. (The critics speech at the end was, amazing. Wait. Did I just say that it was full of "Heart"? Excuse me. I need to go and get my d#ck out of that mason jar.)

Sooooooooo, we then decide very last minnit like to be all stealthy and sneak in to the last showing of "HP5". I refill my bladder splatter Diet Coke-ah, she orders a small 'corn, and it's (Insert "Mission Impossible" theme here) into theatre number 9.

Before I get into THAT movie, let's talk about previews. Now I KNOW that the previews before the film would be geared toward children's movies...what I did NOT know was that they would all look so frassin' much alike! Even "Golden Compass", which I think is going to be the bomb? Was like every trailer before or after. It got a little, you know? Obnoxious. And I love trailer's. And here I just was praying for them to end.

End rant.

So I liked it. It won't fall in the category of my favorite (Goblet and Ass-cabin are tied for that.) I liked a lot more of the elements than the ones I didn't like. The attention to the small book details (Ginny's wistful and jealous looks. #12 Grimmauld Place), The final wizard's duel, D.A training, Luna and Umbridge (Good lord, Imelda? I hated you. Like, hated hated your character. And I think that HBC is crazy)...Tonks was...Hot? So yeah. Good good good.

What I didn't like was:
The jump cuts. What, one minute Harry is packing and the next- Dumbledore's office? At least have him be summoned. Something. And more of Kreacher. I had read that the director didn't even want him in there. Okay. He's only responsible for a major plot point later in the series!!!
And where are the POV/reaction shots? It's like the director was afraid to set up reaction shots. There were too many. Too many. And the newspaper spinny deals? Fine once, or maybe bookending the film. But that many? I felt like I should be watching Spider-man or Superman.

And dude, I'm sorry. I kinda thought Harry sucked in this one. Like, he had the emotional range of cake.

I guess that the last two director's spoiled it for me. I think that they captured the sense of whimsy and the relationships between the character's better. And when the major "death" in this film happens, I just didn't have the "umphf" that the last film's did. (Even though, to his credit, the actor playing him captured the feeling from the book rather well.)

So yeah. Just glad I didn't pay for it. Buhwah ha ha ha haaaa!

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