Monday, August 20, 2007


It has always (well, since I first heard it anyway) struck me as an eerie lyric:

"Many miles away, something crawls from the slime, at the bottom of a dark Scottish lake..."


In other news, it was a festive weekend. Deeeelicious birthday dinner for buddies on Friday night followed by a hoof around Lake Calhoun. (In case you were wondering, Dorajar had her happy 26th birthday yesterday! Love you darling!) Saturday she spent time w/her KU buddies while I secretly finished preparing her b'day pressies (And wrapping them all ghetto style. Hey! Don't judge me. I ran out of paper.)

That night was the actual "party party" at the casa del Mo-mags which was a pip pip happy affair even though I didn't get to bed until the wee hours. Her buddies called her WAY to frassin' early to go grab brunch at Ikes. I had no time to nappa nappa before an audition for Sun Tzu's: "Art of War" at the PWC. (Which, when you have this much f#cking construction on top of a Twin's game with a downpour to boot? Takes a good 40 minutes to get their from my place. DO NOT WANT!!!)

I DID get a nap in before meeting Dora and buddies for dinner. Note to self: Self? Adelita's has a live one-person band playing on Sunday nights. Loudly. And off key. It diminished the humor greatly after trying to shout our conversation.

Lastly, it's cold out. It has made sleeping HEAVENly (So much nicer to snuggle McCuddle under thick blankets than it is to swelter above them) However, I did have to turn my heater on briefly this morning on my commute.


1 comment:

momo said...

Your birthday generosity and thoughtfulness blew me away, honey. Thank you so, so, so much. Can't wait to start using my fetching new satchel! My favorite part is still the walk around the lake, though...
