There is the narcisstic streak (read: Dysmorphia) and I fret and fume about my chubs, eat healthy. I also happen to enjoy musical theatre, and I'm not a huge fan of sports or beer (I love attending the games, mind you- and that's my beer drinking time! I will not attend a Twinks/Vikes/Saints/Wild/T'wolves event unless I can have my pre-requisite beer and hot dog...waitaminute! Even THAT sounded gay!!)
I like labels, good cologne, classical music, I "groom", watch my posturing..etc I've had the rows w/less understanding ex's regarding qualities which they deemed "less than masculine" (Granted, this was an argument where, in the interest of being mean to me, the ex told me my acting was...'kinda gay'.) Even my big brother liked to fling out passive aggressive comments about my orientation in order to belittle me. (He's over it now, kids. I just told him he sounds like a moron and he doesn't believe that anyway.)
And here is a funny little Vegas story- Some drunk dude at Caesars looks at me and sez:
- "Hey Man..I yer shurt..."
- (me) "Thanks".
- "Dood! I not fuckin' gay, aiiight?"
Life, my little porkchop. Get one.
I think when you strip down to the fundamentals (OMG, even THAT sounded Gay!!!) I've never really been too hung up on the label or caring what folks think. People that rail against gay marriage, and "Mo-ness" in general need to fix themselves a nice bowl of roughage and pour themselves a glass of "relax". Truth is I'm a lazy-ass, and being more open-minded and understanding sure beats holding a grudge or judging. Or "Grudging". Shitty movie.
So, yeah. Who cares, really. I'm off to the liquor store to pick up some more wine. Then to the gym. Then to shop for some new Gap Jeans. Why? 'Cause I can kick better in them, that's why.
Words of wisdom from P's dad: "Metrosexual, New Age Male, Sensitive Guy, Bunny Frou-Frou...they are all the same damn thing"
1 comment:
This is coming from a woman who is dating a metrosexual. I LOVE it. He can keep up with me in shopping, knows exactly what I look good and bad in and isnt afraid to tell me. Has an immaculate well decorated home, is stylish and has excellent taste. Yeah, hes not a football junkie, but that can be forgiven (and he will watch games, just not into it as much as I). I think coming from a women with a few rough edges, we complement each other well. Having a metro for a boyfriend is wonderful and dont you EVER change P. There needs to be more of you out in the world.
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