Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Last hit: "Why don't they fit?"

Damn, so many posts.

I own two pair of the same brand of jeans. One, a blue jean. The other: Same jeans, only in black. Both, the exact-same-size. Waist and Length. Equal on the tags.

Now, my little mathematicians: Why are the black jeans are so damn snug? (And, a hair shorter on the length?) Making me feel FAT!!!

And I shoulda qualified this Kaiser. I actually like the fat-free shite and eating healthy. I know it's a little crazy of me, but it's become habitual. (Real butter, Sweets/Cakes and super rich foods make me a kinda nauseous. I won't turn them down, say, if I'm offered at a dinner, or if I'm travelling and it's "on the menu". I just don't make it a point to make or buy the stuff for myself. You're absolutely right, life is too short- And right now, so are my pants.)



Frethem said...

I'm totally stealing that and putting it in my sig on the callboard. :-)

Anonymous said...

From the wonderful education I received whilst working at the Gap, the reason different jeans which claim to be the same size will fit differently...
They don't cut each individual pair. They stack the fabric and slice right down. The fabric does not stay lined up as this happens and therefore you will receive some variance in the actual fit of the final product.

Ah... the Gap. Such a pointless excuse for a job... every day spending more than I earned. 50% off is damn nice though!

P said...

Whatever. I'm an Eddie Bauer Heifer...heretoforth known as an EebBeebHeeb.

I love my Gap jeans. I'm wearing them right now (And will probably wear them until they resemble the pair worn by the lead singer of Def Leppard)