Thursday, March 17, 2005

Lang mai yer lum reek! (*)

(*) Long may your chimney smoke.

It's the only gaelic I've got.

Happy Saint Paddy's everybody. I'm approximately 1/8 Irish, and I'll be damned if I own anything that's green. (Scratch that- I've got some Summer-y Shirts and a green Hart Schaffer Marks double breasted suit...but I'll be fooked if I'm wearing that shite to work, y'all.)

I opted for a blue shirt...with khaki's. 'Cause see, first you get the khaki's- then you get the chicks.

For all parties interested- From the P Family Tree:

James Love immigrated to America in the late 19th Century. He hails from Ullster province in County Fermaugh, Ireland. Upon reaching America, he married a young English woman w/the surname: Saxon.

Okay, so my late g-ma's last name was Saxon, and she married an Ulrich, but- there you are. Funny that the Irish surname was "Love", yes? My Irishness.

Czech, German, English, Scottish, Irish. Damn. Could I get any uglier genetics? Dammidy Damn, I think I'll go eat a sheep stomach stuffed w/intestine and barley now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Czech, German, Irish, English, Swiss, Native American. True American mutt.

The Weef.