Monday, January 31, 2005

Tank...we're in.

Ehhhhuhhhhh ooooooooo......Y'know I woke up this morning with a full head of steam! I didn't feel discombobulate or anything. It's just too bad I actually had to step out of bed.

My lambs, I am getting old. My body is "move-sore" today, to an extreme that I can't even remember. (Oh, yes I do! I do remember! Last time I moved, when I said to J..."That's it, the next time we move we're hiring MOVERS!!!") On my hands, the cuts and splits in my skin look like I washed my hands with Dial and Broken glass. How are you feeling today?

Saturday I spent the day doing some "final prep" work around the new place. I stuffed the Saturn to the gills, and hauled a$$ out there early to try and get our bedroom finished by our final move in. There were a few set-backs: A Carpeting Snafu (The bolt May-Nards gave us was too small. It looked like we threw a napkin-sized carpet square down.) We didn't have a working shower, or bathroom for that matter, J had 2 shows that day. I ended up working with our Dad's until waaaay late finishing up some last minute shmutzy stuff . Our dad's kicked me out...and I still had to go home and pack up our foodstuff/plates. On the positive side? J's Dad got there early and had already stained the BR baseboards/molding. Sweet! Not sweet? Having to drive the UHaul truck back to Menards to return the carpet. Diesel's handle like shit. Did I mention the truck had a rag stuffed in the gas cap. Or rather, the rag was the gas cap?

Sunday. Up and at them. Our last day sleeping in at our "old house". Dad was kind enough to go and pick up the correct size carpet and bring it to the house early. We stuffed our cars, (Again) and waited for reinforcements. All told, we had a great audience: Big bro and his wife, Ry and his girl, Sssssteve, and Caliente Carlos. (Even with a sprained ankle, the Sergeant was still gung-ho) The move only took 3 hours from start to finish...(With a meeting of 5 ADD guys, it probably could have been shorter if we didn't keep distracting each other) but no one drank my payment booze.

Bonus? The couch and chair fit through the front door! (Although we had to contort so much that I'm thinking we should audition for Cirque du Soleil) Dad and I finished the BR carpet and got the bed put together in time to have an (almost) complete BR for our 1st night.

J was worried about the cat , so she brought him over early. The litter box is now living in our BR. On our new carpet.
1st night jitters? Some dude was perched across the street, and he looked like he was staring at our house. (Or as my dad would say, "casing the new residents to see if they have anything stealable". )

Turns out, he was waiting for his ride. And their two kids. All the same, I actually started thinking about purchasing a home-security system, or a gun...

Wait a minute. I don't need a gun.

Come over for a drink, my lovelies. I can't guarantee you'll have a place to sit down yet, but there is a lot of love there.

Back to get the plates and drop off the keys, and I am officially a full-time NE resident.


Anonymous said...

Sorry 'bout Sunday... I did (HONESTLY) plan on coming for a bit... I didn't think M4M was gonna end up w/ 140-some-odd lights... I drafted all freakin day. I had planned on drafting, helping you and still making it to the gym... um, yeah... I drafted until 4:00... at which time I left the house and hit the theatre until 11:30 (hanging said 140-some-odd lights)... Glad you're in... I wanna see! I wanna see!

Portana said...

I am sooooo glad I am selling all of my stuff for my move. Not gonna move much except nick nacks, clothes, my bed and my hope chest. There is something nice about starting over again. Yeah, I dont have to MOVE IT!!! :)
Glad you are in, hope to see the pad when I am out there next.