Thursday, January 20, 2005

Sad..but true

Quick Hits:
So I've cut down on my home-drinking (Too busy, too tired), fast-food (My bitches Chipotle and Subway) and I've 86'ed the snacks I keep here at work in my snack drawer. (Baked Lays, Fat-Free Pretzels, Trail Mix) and you know's kept my weight down this winter. That's right, the winter lbs. have remained a non-issh. And when I do get time to hit the gym, the vascularity really pops out. (That delightful vein which runs along my brachialis muscle.) I still just look out of shape. Pooooochy...

It saddens me that 86'ing the 2 glasses of wine nightly is helping keep off the cookie dough ass. I'll miss our nightly trysts, Pinot. Oh Yes....
It probably didn't help me last night when I hit the Market and had 3. More on that later.

I've been dreaming about our kitchen. 2 nights in a row. Scary.

If you tag "boy" on the end of a sarcastic's hard for your opponent to "come-back". This dude in my cast (according to his school chum) likes wearing mascara. So I call him "Revlon-Boy". This snarky kid had nothin'! Yogurt Boy, Bowling Boy, Wet Boy, Porkchop Boy...Or Mr.Chicken Fingers... try it.

J and I were up til 1:30 "talking". Good stuff was aired out. But fuck-all if I'm not a tired mo-fo today.

Some lady posted a pic of her daughter next to the sign-up sheet for girl scout cookies. It's a pretty forced gesture by my reckoning. (Look at my daughter. She's so cute. BUY THE FUCKING COOKIES!!!) I thought about putting a post-it next to the picture that says "What flavor is she?" Tasteless, yes. But fun.
And does anyone else miss the name "Samoa's"? They're Caramel Deelights now, but some things just shouldn't change. "Somoan's: Do the humpty-hump...ah, do the humpty-hump."

I've the beginnings of a cold. My nose is running faster than an Olympic Sprinter on a BALCO binge. Got home from work ystdy w/every intention of hitting the Gym, The New House, and 'Fu. Nope. I passed out...and woke up even sicker. And did I do the right thing or what? That's right, I hit Market for my bi-annual visit. (Sally asked, P obeys.) And guess who didn't show? Sally. (sigh) I got there around 9, and left round 11. So take that boys. Start your drinking early with P!!!! I was exhausted...but it was good seeing the boys. Jabas, Kai-Sayer, Geef, Pust, and Carlton. I really should have asked the Geef how his Weef was doing. Sorry Geef.


Portana said...

As an HR pro, wouldnt recommend the comment next to the pix. While the woman who posted that was crass in putting up the pix, your ass is grass if you put the comment up. I am not sayin', but I am sayin'....
My downfall in life is chocolate. Would be anorexic if it wasnt for that. But then again, if we cant enjoy the things in life that we love, why live?

Thanks for the thoughts, P. It was too soon for her, but gives you an appreciation of what to do with your own life.

P said...

I wasn't gonna put up the postie. It was just a thought. (My HR file is as thick as a phone book anyway. Lousy HR.) ; )

And I live without the chocolate and other shite because I gain weight easily. I've kind of trained my palate not to be a choco-holic anymore. Restraint with food isn't really my strong suit...y'know?

Anonymous said...

My Weef is doing fine. Schmeek.

- GeeF

Anonymous said...

The Weef is fine, and also has had to cut down on her drinking. Sadness. It has helped the belly, though....

Also? There is nothing wrong with a man liking to wear make-up. Most men I know could do with a little mascara. So there.
