Monday, January 24, 2005

Well now.

huh...A Quiz from the Geef's Weef's LiveJournal:

You are a DGT--Dark Gross Traditional. This makes you a Prankster.

Comedy for you is when a person is kept in the most discomfort for the longest period of time. This means practical jokes, pranks, and sticking a hair up a sleeping person's nose so he slaps himself awake. You are probably locked in some terrifying practical joke one-ups-manship with a like- minded soul. You are also probably a dude. Your Active humor score of 9/10 means you are a comic house on fire. You are Def Comedy Jam (for the first five minutes, before it becomes repetitive and degrading). You are a library of witty rejoinders, in-jokes, ad-libs and meatballs. Yeah, I said meatballs. They're underrated.

The trick for you is to ease yourself into a situation, since you have the capacity to dominate. If you're socially well-adjusted, you're awesome. If you're kind of nervous and twitchy like Daniel Radcliff in the Prisoner of Azkaban special features, then there can be trouble.

Sure beats the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator.

It snowed a lot. I shovelled our driveway 3.5 times over 2 days. This, foreign readers, is why MN can suck sweaty nads.

If it didn't sound so euphemistic, I would say "my ass hurts". It does, but you try pushing snow drifts 3.5 x's over 2 days, using your legs for support. I would say I need a snowblower, but in 6 days...what's the point? (We'll have garage accessed by an alley folks.)

Apparently, I need to see "Sideways". It's playing at the "Heights" theatre, right down the street from my new home. Coooool.

To peeps who read this and can help me move..thanks guys. The 250lb weight restriction was brought about by my father. He's a big man, who, when he sat on the rope swing caused the branch to...bow. Dangersously low.

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