Friday, January 14, 2005

A titch nipply...

So, I should comment on the weather for today. And the next few days.


Fuh-reezing balls outside folks. Or, as the Germans say, "Es ist balls gefreezin". So that isn't the actual German Colloquilism, but you get the point. It is so cold that it hurts, and it's actually supposed to get colder. (sighs...) Not much point bitchin'.

J is getting better. I wish she'd make her appt. w/the specialist. She's bound and determined to wait until after we move. Btw, books are heavy, so I'm really thinking about donating some of them. I mean Really, Really heavy. The couch/chair combo and mattresses won't weigh dick.

Henry V: Not a great show last night, and my head wasn't all there. (I left it in the car) I even dropped a smegging line! Not uber important, but I did it. The cast was all abuzz w/review talk- which I think caused much of my distraction. I did sing "U can go your own waaaay!!" to Jay, who was compared to Mick Fleetwood in one of our reviews. He told me he would've preferred "Tusk". Backstage at the CRPC was frigid, hence the comment "It's a Tit Bit Nipply". Cuttin' holes in my costume. Need some pasties, or something. 2 weekends left, peeps.

Vanity Fair came out w/their annual Star Wars Leibowitz special. Cool cover, Cool pics, but considering how non-plussed I was with the finished product, I'll wait til the movie comes out to get too excited. Oh who am I kidding...I wanna see the big Obi-Wan/Anakin throwdown.

And to tie in with that: Is nothing sacred?


Portana said...

OMG! The star wars issue. Thanks for the reminder, off I go to the store today.....I am such a geek.

Portana said...
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Portana said...

OMG! The star wars issue. Thanks for the reminder, off I go to the store today.....I am such a geek.

Anonymous said...

OK... so I have a certain distaste for Star Wars (something to do w/ a certain marriage that took place at the MOA on Halloween and some costumes... I do have the picts, don't ever look at 'em though... go figure)... but, I thought Mr. Potato-Vader was quite funny... chuckled out loud... smile on my face for the day.