Monday, January 10, 2005

Henry V

I should probably disclaimer that those "moments" described in the last blog, are when I feel really connected to what I'm doing on stage. And while ultimately I feel consideration for the audience is very important, there is something extremely satisfying about those moments. While this show is the best work I can (A far cry from my "best performance" which was my 1st grade production where I played the "noble garbageman" in "Let's Build a Town.) but many of us play our parts well. Thanks for the honest feedback, Don.

That's right. I like getting feedback. Crave it actually. And not just director notes, I'm talking positive (or if the role calls for it, negative) reactions. The GeeF did that for me once when he mentioned that (in a kinda lukewarm production I did last year) this door "take" I did was pretty gosh darn funny. I didn't know much about that (Although I warmly welcomed the compliment) I did know that it hurt, and so it HAD to have been funny.

And then I've received feedback, honest feedback, after shows that could have prrrobably waited until after we had left the theatre. (Example--- Me: "what did you think?" Them:" Ehhhhh, I didn't like it all that much". Hello? We're at the CRPC. Other actors w/in earshot that can and DID hear you. This wasn't a friend o' mind, btw.)

I've been told there was a lot of "me" in roles I've played. So it's nice, really nice when you can hear someone say they liked something specific that you did. No matter how dumb. It's sometimes enough to validate a show for me. I hope you all like it. At least a little.

From "The Skyway News" 1st week of August, 1999. A review of "Swing Time Radio" at the Fringe Festival. Paraphrased for your enjoyment:

"Some show are a hit, some shows are a miss, and some shows fail to hit the target completely. (Body deleted due to content) Sweet singing, and Non-Hammy performances from P-----, Amy L, and Shelly D, fail to elevate this performance from the depths in which it wallows. This show hurts to watch"

ps: Spine and Nerve damage can and do cause illness, Portland. You're absolutely correct.

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