Monday, January 10, 2005

Feeling a little 'whelmed.

I just gotta get this out. I'm a little frustrated again. Is it a full moon perhaps? No? Let me ' there is too much, let me sum up.

Opening went well. I'm happy with the production, the cast, and w/o sounding too terribly self-involved I'm really happy w/the stuff I'm doing. A rarity for me, but it is making the production that much more enjoyable. More specifically, I think there are some good "moments". I lied. I guess I don't suck. Which will do as well. Go see it. Some good peeps in it.

I took Friday off to do some drywallin' and sandin' at the new digs. J was 'sleep when I left, and 'sleep when I got home. 7 hours later. Apparently the flu. She calls in sick to work. Folks, she's worked professionally (read: Her bread and butter) for over 12 years now and has never called in sick/injured/or in a bad mood. Look up "trouper" in the dict. and you'll see a pic of my baby. I get home from the post-show reception (I'll delve into that later today methinks.) and she's crying from the pain. She just took meds, pulled up the sheets, popped in Will Ferrel "best of", and hit the hay. I was relegated to the couch for safety's sake, but moved in later on.

Sats was going to be karate/work/then show for me. J is still in mega-pain. Panicky Paranoic that I am (Read previous post on eating lonely fat-kids) I ask her 7 or 8 times if it is hospital serious. She declines. I skip kung fu and keep an eye on her. She goes back to sleep. I go for a run. I come home and see that she's STILL asleep and by the time I'm out of the shower she's doubled over. I tell her that I'm fairly certain it's not the flu, and I'm haulin' her ass to the ER. She doesn't say no. (Mind you, I get a little pissy that she wait's until right before I need to go to work to say "Let's go". I should have taken her in the frickin' night before. Hindsight)

We check into urgent care, and wait. Hour passes, and they call her name. 10 mins later she's in a wheelchair and they ask me (ME) to push her to the ER. I ask for scrubs. They say no.

If you've ever waited in an ER waiting room, or heard stories...they are all true. I knew this going in, so I packed a book (The Watchmen, thank you.) and placed us in front of the TV (Raging Bull. All edited and stuff) while she moaned and cried on the couch. As this went on, I felt myself get more and more angry. If it's tummy trouble (Which she's had repeat bouts of) she could have and should have seen a frickin' dr. YEARS ago. Instead, we sit for 2.5 hours. Waiting. I nearly finish my book.

They call her in. I follow, they say "SIT". I stew some more. They finally come get me. Watchmen is almost done. And I have to pee from all the soda I've imbibed.

She's hooked up. All over. Tubes Tubes Tubes. Any and all feelings of malice, selfishness, and malcontent fade to oblivion. We do the CT scan, head back to the room and I sit and hold her hand. Making half assed jokes as we go along. We wait some more for the results. I'm left feeling the kind of impotence that really should be relegated to people in more dire situations. It's just the "not knowing" is making me antsy.

I'm forced to vacate the hospital as 6:00pm rolls around to get home and get to the theatre by house opening. (I've already chalked up that I'm gonna be late. I don't want to leave her. It's killing me to go but she says "go". So I do) I make it to the show remarkably on time. I make a conscious effort not to blab my personal sitch to everyone beforehand, so they don't get all weird. I must have checked my cell phone 8 or 9 times. Show ends, someone asks how J's flu is going, I let a little slip about her sitch, and bolt out like a bat outta hell.

Thankfully, she's home by that time, having scored a ride from mom and dad. She has a severely pinched nerve and possibly a slipped disc. With no explanation for her nausea/tummy aches (Don't worry, she's not P.G. folks. Trust moi.) they referred her to a GI Specialist. She's seeing the 'practor today and specialist later this week. I'm tired folks. Really really tired. Sunday was a whole new bag of tricks. I'll tell you that later.

ps: CT Nurses don't like this joke- Nurse: "We're gonna take her in for a quick CAT Scan"...Me: "Really? Did you know my fiancee' was IN 'Cats', in case you find anything. You know, like a tail?"

Didn't like that one at all. I was nervous.


Portana said...

You know my room mate hurt her back or neck (I forget which one) and she was sicker than a dog with stomach stuff for like a week. I dont know if the injury aggrevated the virus (which is what I am calling what she had) or vice versa, but she was in miserable pain in several areas because of that. Maybe a nerve is connected to the stomach that sets off a trigger (?)--seriously doubt it, but an injury can compound a virus in the system. Give her my love--hope she is doing better. Hope you are too.

Anonymous said...

Ah, hon. My best to you and J. The ER's no fun, but at least you & Z can swap war stories now.....

P said...

I Love Everybody (and Other Atrocious Lies): True Tales of a Loudmouth Girl

Has a very funny story about how the author waited for (hours) in the ER waiting room whilst suffering from kidney stones. She watched as another woman faked a seizure to get seen first. (Apparently as the lady was being carted off on the gurney she yelled out "Hey, I think I dropped my cigs, can one of you's grab 'em???")