Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Magic Time

Okay. So yesterday's rant was pretty pissy. I have my reasons for being pissy about the last point, but guess what? I'll live, and I'll STFU about it.

It got me thinking about some past Classic's I've been involved in, and while I've enjoyed some of them, there were still some wonky-tonk parts of others. They're pretty funny, for their own reasons. And it won't stop me from pimping Hank the Fifth to my loyal readers. Go see it. If you're in town anyway... Without further ado:

Ass You Lick It: (At the "G") Louie, a U of MN MFA intern, had this "hate-on" for my 19 year old self. For no reason he made clear. Made it miserable for me pretty much daily. ("Hey shithead. What are you lookin' at?") A real putz, one day he actually got in my face. So I knocked him on his ass. He bounced up, got in my face again & sez (In his Philly accent) "See something that scares you?".
I say: "Dude, I've seen scarier zits on my ass." We turned into buds after that. Weird.

"Tempest" (@ the "U") I had to wear a unitard, covered in feathers. It was January. And Frickin' cold.

"Merry Wives" (TRP) I had fun. Got to make out w/Meredith M night after night. Music drove me nuts.

"MacBeth" (CSTC, performed at the Paramount). Where to start. Our first snowy winter in years, and the 50 minute St.Cloud commute was murder. The SM and ASM were pulled from a high school and a beauty school respectively. (They were reading "How to SM" books while we were in rehearsals. Did I mention I didn't get paid and they did?) SM got power trippy and kept yelling at people pre-show during our Fight Call. He screamed at me when I asked for 2 more minutes to finish. I asked him to step outside if he wanted to "talk". He sulks and avoids me the rest of the run. Cast is happy. (Props to the good people at CSTC for having the heat off in the Paramount theatre IN JANUARY, forcing us to rehearse several times in our hats, parkas, and gloves. Also for scheduling a matinee' on Superbowl Sunday. They had a rule that the cast helps out with strike. I told them to fuck themselves, grabbed my girlfriends, and ran away.)

Midsummer Nights Polo Shirt: 'nuff said. Meeting peeps like Kaiser, CLG, ZH, and LP always can enrich your life. 'Specially since I still see them. I was Demetrius, and costumed in a peach polo shirt, khaki's, and a paisley vest. Did I forget to mention the sash? Our set was like a big white wedding cake. With white background. Our staging was often times "back to the audience". In a proscenium. I got to listen to my "at the time" geef complain nightly (Re: the cast, the commute, the fact that I had a bigger part, which thereby allowedg me to hang out with the cast more than her, the fact that she thought my acting was "gay"...that was funny, considering what I was costumed in.) I had a great audition though. I'll take that away with me.

Lysistrata Lesson. Man. One of the 10 worst shows of 2002. (per the City Pages) And they were proud of that. I learned my "Lesson". Yuck. Just...yuck. I really wished that I had been in better shape if I was going to be parading around in my drawers. I did get to meet G-lover, JTA (Who is now MIA), and others. More friends to enrich.

Much Ado About Abercrombie and Fitch. Yeah. Went in as a fave, last minute. They set the show in a H.S. (fine). They cut nothing, which meant a 3:45 opus, with only some of the people really knowing how to read the language. Half were unprofessional. Our "Watch" decided that Michael Keaton had the be all, end all of Watches, and patterned his character exACTLY after that. The 1st show that my love see's me in. A little embarrassed at that. She tells me after that "Well, I understood you and TJ. And you were funny.") I'll buy that. No friends were born of that show, save TJ. Except he's MIA too. I'll give it this- that was the last show I did b4 I started working w/the good people at Pigs Eye and Fitty Foot Pengy.

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