Thursday, January 13, 2005

It's not who you know...'s where you work out. Here's a happy coincidence:

I stopped at the "Y" before the show last week (Killing time before call.) and I had intended on finishing my workout by hitting the heavy bag for a couple of minutes before hitting the showers. And who should I run into on the running track but one of the nice ladies that works at my agency. We start jibber-jabbin' about the holidays, and the new house. Our topic leans towards renovation, home updates etc, and stimulates a fiery dialogue between the two of us about the trials and tribulations we've encountered. I let her get back to her workout, and I headed out to the theatre, commenting to J later that the last time I'd ran into this lady I got a call for an audition. Since I don't get called much, I'll take what I can get.

2 days later, I receive a call to audition for an HGTV show. They want a "host-type" with (get this) knowledge of home repair. Funny. I go, I make 'em laugh, and leave. I didn't get it (*) since I'm not quite the demographic they're looking for. It's just nice to get a call, y'know?

On my way back to work, I get another agent call, for yet another HGTV show. (A host who is knowledgable in the area of home repair.) Cool! I go and read yesterday for this thing (I didn't get it.) but the guy asked if he could keep my number handy because he said I had "good Improv". That really made my day.

All this bitching about the house...who'd of thought these fortuitous circumstances would have occurred? Certainly not me.

(* Why do I know I didn't get it? Weel, if you go out on enough of these calls, you start to get the feel for it. Here is an example from the 1st audition I went to- the dialogue goes like this:

Them: "Hi, you must be Marrrk?"
Me: "Close! It's M---"
Them: "Right, Right. Did you have a chance to look at the script?"
Me: "Yup! Ready to go!"
Them: "Great, let's get you in there"
***I do my thing. They start laughing and say 'Very Good', which means I've pulled something stupid outta my ass which will probably wind up in a commercial/show later.***

Them: "Thanks for coming" (As I leave, enter the next Actor. I've seen the guy before, and there's a pretty good chance you have too, probably on some commercial or rather.)

Them: "HEY ____! We were wondering when you'd get here!" (Producer gives this actor a big ol' hug. Note how they are already on a 1st name basis?) "Now, did you get a chance to see the shoot dates at all?" Blah Blah Blah. You see? This is the way it is. If they like you, you get asked a bunch of questions regarding availability: Can you make a callback? Can you read with the other host? Will you cut your hair? Do you own your own suit? etc...

Contrary to what you may think, I'm not being self-deprecating. You have to think practically, and really you should do this at any audition you attend. Don't set yourself up for disappointment by assuming you are a shoe in, unless they tell you you are in. In fact...don't ever assume. And don't pass up an audition. Ever.

My opinion is that it's a waste of energy to be mad at the companies who hold these auditions if they don't pick you. Better to take away what you can, and try to leave an impression.

The thing I can't help is that I have a small head, which probably acts as a deterrment when they see me. "Uhhhh, here comes peanut head!!!"


Anonymous said...

If you aren't turned down/told "NO" at least 3 times a day... you aren't trying hard enough.

My mom has that one on her fridge... sad, but true.

P said...

Welll Let me tell YOU something...I get told NO at least three times a NIGHT....yeah. I'll keep trying.
