Wednesday, November 03, 2004


It seems very possible that we'll be suffering through 4 more years of the same mongering regime. (Although, it ain't over til it's over, or until the last chad has been punched. Damn you Ohio...Damn you...) Harumph.

My feet hurt. Bad. I've 86'ed Ibuprofen and pain killers from my morning pill-poppin regimen in order to ascertain where exactly the ow'ies are located. (Seriously, I only take a multi-vite and some herbals. Thass all. ) But durn rass & frass, I'm one hurtin' unit. Love Hate relationship with karate right now.

Raven's blog and my achey dogs makes me think of dancing. I haven't been dancing in an age. A lot of it is lack of time, but also it kinda ties back in to why I don't go bar hopping or clubbing any more. It's like this, see?:

After being a serial monogamist in HS and my 1st year of college, I started to cut loose a little more . Frat parties, cast parties, and oh the clubs: Tropix, Waterworks, the Goldrush (Ughh, see if any of y'all remember that dump)Ground Zero, the Saloon (Yup. My "Techno" phase and I thought it had the best music. And when I was a little more Naive I thought it was cool that the people didn't mind if I wasn't wearing a shirt and my underpants were sticking out. Even funnier was how before my friend "S" came out, he ALWAYS wanted to go there : ), TNT, NRG, Industry, Banana Ho's, the Onion, 1st Ave (RIP), Glam Slam (nee' Quest. I hate it too, G and R ), Gabby's, the Metro. Some places with Dance Floors the size of an ashtray, pissy uptight people, horny dudes who...not getting a late night hook up, would vent their frustration on whoever was right next to them. (Occasionally my group) The corny bikini "shot" girls, the shirtless mimbo bouncers....It was a glorious time. The screens, flashers (That was my friend Ana. She was a nut, but I did love her spontaneity) the occasional cigarette burns.

After college, it became more about chasing "the specials". I formed new habit patterns, which went a little somethin' like dis:
Sunday, Tracys Bar & Grill for the Steak Specials and wooden nickels (& Vikings football) back to one of our apts for X-Files and booze.
Monday: Karaoke at the 90's
Tuesday: Trivia @ William's and 2 for ones.
Thursday: Back to Tracy's for TACO'S!!!!
Friday's- You get to whatever bar by 6 to start humping the happy hour.
Saturdays: Don't remember too much. Usually hipster clubs like Dakota or "The Lounge".
I had a flexible schedule at work, so I'd come in (eyes usually bloodshot) around 11.

There was plenty of naughtiness too, late at night. Plenty of pillowcases that smelled like ciggies and booze the next day....And after destroying my hotel room on my 25th (Golden) Birthday, I got a little too much perspective.
I made the mistake of asking a gal I had been, (ahem) "dancing with" if she wanted to "Get Serious" (I thought I was ready!!!) and she shot me down. That next week she brought her new BF to Williams, so I used that as an impetus to stop going there. (Ry-Gonn, that's why I have a nasty attitude about bar trivia. But I still love to answer those damnable questions.) Other reminders of how I needed some time off came about when I saw other ex's bringing their new BF's to hang out with. I became a "genin". That guy. The fringey quirky dude who's fun at parties. Bring him over, get him drunk, watch him make an ass of himself. And I would. (I have troubles with big groups when I'm drinking. I forget conversations too easily because I can't listen as well as I could. So I ask the same question over and over again. Funny again how well I DID listen back when I would try to get some.)

So I quitski. No more specials, no more 2 bottles of Morgan a week. And have become subsequently, quite boring. And quite insane.

I stopped hanging out with certain bad influences (Dudes who started doing coke. Don't get me on a "DARE" kick, but I very nearly beat them), got new friends (Love you small theatre mafia), got a gurlyfriend who was very serious and very focused, started drinking veeno as opposed to hard booziekins and beers. (Subsequently, she and I split. Different directions in life and all. But that is a tale best left buried 'neath the sands of time)

And I've grown slowly more insane. I don't know what it is. I guess need big shake ups to make changes in my lifestyle. I really need to force myself out of my comfort zone. (I call it a "little drill sergeant" telling myself what to do) Otherwise you'd all find me on a couch, with a cocktail watching the History channel. And I wouldn't be getting married. To "Le Bombshell". I'm fucked up. Really. Can't shut down the brain, and sometimes the mouth. JM is my saint though. She's just as fired up as I am, and that is the most wonderful thing to have in your life.

And we're gonna dance a lot on New Years. We did last year. And come to think about it I did bust out a little "1984" action in Saint Cloud last month. I haven't done the helicopter in ages. : )

Raven...I am Spider-Man. It was either that or I paint my face blue and wear a kilt. : )


Anonymous said...

Dancing!!! Dancing!!! Dancing!!! I wanna go! Next weekend? The weekend after? (this weekend full... Mudslinger - Friday, Crucible - Saturday, Humble Boy - Sunday). Lemme know when you're up for it... I'm in!

P said...

Hopefully soon. This weekend: Bad. If I'm all healed I could check to see what is up for next weekend. (We're closing on the "new huis" Nov. 18th, so we're kinda frazzled)
