Tuesday, November 09, 2004

That's a DAMN fine cup of coffee...

Anyone catch the Twin Peaks reference?

Vikes lost last night. Big old surprise. I was at the dojo so I didn't catch the whole she-bang...but enough to hear that we were trailing at the half, and something about being 3-15 when trailing at the half. I didn't like those odds. Pishaw...I'm too fairweather to really care. Although, in the interest of camaraderie, I did get asked to hang w/some friends out in the Saint of Paul. Now, I'm not sayin...but there was a really funny message on my Cell phone. It went something like " Details my ASS! That is all"

I laughed a goodly while at that one.

And I was up late again last night. Brain was racing. Figures. The day before we stuck around the Chan "post show" to kibbitz with the cast, and wound up getting into some heavy convo's regarding...well, a lot of shite. (Which I'll use for blog fodder at a later time.) Got home at 1am. (Speaking of Twin Peaks, her folks jokingly lambasted me for not having any intermission Pie. They just stared incredulously when I said I don’t really do sweets that often!) Any way, I'm all dog-tired today.

Our cafeteria here at the Stag, dispenses coffee, which unfortunately tends to lean towards the more...how shall I say, "ambitious".

Nary a French Vanilla, French Roast, Irish Cream, or even a modestly flavored decaf.
No no no, they have flavors like "Cotton Candy", "Boubon Street Streusal" (Bourbon, being misspelled) "Candy Apple", "Peppermint Medley", "Roasters Select" (Tastes like burnt grounds) and "Eggnog dream". Grody. They might as well have flavors like "Creamed Corn" or "Roast Beef" (That's what the decaf tastes like), or how about "Pickled Herring"? And the only palatable flavor in my experience..has been: "Jamaican Me Crazy". Closest thing we have to "French Vanilla". I weigh the merits on whether it is going to be a good day or bad day at work based solely on that. If not, the day is completely down the tubes. Coffee drinkers, can I get a jittery witness- If you drink the filthy stuff (That I love so much), how do you take your poison???


Portana said...

Decaf, 2 tbsp creamer and 2 packets of sweet and low. I drink the stuff to warm up so I doctor it quite a bit. That and it is rather bitter tasting at my place of work. Hmm, must be the brewer, which is...oh, yeah, I am the only one that drinks decaf.

Frethem said...

I take with a tad of milk, and NO FLAVORED SHIAT! Don't even think about putting that crap in my coffee maker. Currently I have a Guatemalen Sumatra in my coffee machine, and to prove how anal I am, it can ground the beans and brew the coffee on a timer. How badass is that?

P said...

What's "decaf?" Strange...I have heard of this decaf as only stories. Musings from a time long past. You're a stronger lady than I am. I gotta have my fix in the a.m. (I've conditioned myself to have one cup, and I have to wait until 10am to get it.)

And Kaiser, you're not anal at all. Just a little more technologically advanced is all. J and I keep Vanilla Nut Cream in the freezer. We grind our own (I just think that fresh ground tastes better than pre-ground. KnowwhatI'msayin???)

P said...

Thank you for the clarification. ( I could only really make out "Beeeeotch...that is all" : )

P said...

Thank you for the clarification. ( I could only really make out "Beeeeotch...that is all" : )