Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Soooo Close....yet so far away.

Damn you Hall and Oates for creating this title. "Portland" was on this song-title header kick and I think it's spread to my blog.

Thursday, 12:00pm. Potential close date. I've jumped through so many GD hoops, I may audition for Ringling Bros. Keep your fingers crossed, since I haven't been this scared/nervous since I proposed. And that wound up with the cat lit on fire!

I had a boatload to chat about, but I think I'm a little brain-clogged. Soooo: I got into a fight last night, did I tell you?

The co-instructor at my dojo (dojang/kwoon/martial arts studio) did something kinda weird last night in class, by asking us what we would like to do. I suggest: "if Mr. Tran has his gear, can we fight?" To which She says "Sure. just don't tell Mr____" (Mind you, class consisted of me and Mr. Tran so I felt comfortable asking. ) btw- 2 people in class? Join Karate people!

And fight we did. She even put a"Prince" CD on for us. By the end of the night I was wiped out, sweating what can only be described as "bullets of Mazola" from my pores. We were delirious from the effort. And today? I can barely move my body. My forearms look like I have track marks on the wrong side. Still- it felt wonderful. 30 minutes of cathartic sparring, to alleviate all of this house-buying nonsense. I even felt ambitious enough to go for a run afterward (It was a beautiful evening, you know? Not many 40 + degree nights left here in MN. I didn't wanna waste it. )

Which will bring me to my next topic 'o blogging. What I will miss about my current 'hood. If I don't call in sick tomorrow, and if we do, indeed get this house I promise to tell you then. Night my Sweeties.

ps: If you ever get into a fight , it will NEVER go the way you want it. Despite the beautiful choreography you may see in movies or in your head. Trust me on this.

1 comment:

Portana said...

I am thinking since you are creatively minded that you too wake up with a song in your head. Pondering what your music trivia capabilities are....hmmm.
Good luck on the house. Fingers and toes are crossed!