Saturday, March 07, 2009

Unemployment Wk. 2 Ending...Frack.

It was gawdamn spam.

I had another email from the same HR assistant position. I was slightly confused before realizing that in my eagerness to apply to what I saw was a direct request for application, I failed to notice one glaaaaaring thing.

There was no company attached to it for the position.

F#ck. F#ck, F#ck, F#ck, Festery F#ck.

So, should you or any of your friends get an email from "Manifest_Careers" go tell them to f#ck themselves up their stupid fake out a$$es.

Back to the grind.

So I realize that the health care company I am applying for doesn't let you create a template for multiple apps. Meaning I have to re-fill out my personal past employment history/education/skills/ AND attach my resume with all of that s#it on it anyway- Every time I apply. I received 12 emails.

Doing one app takes 45 minutes. No lie.

I start despairing again. A lot. It's the end of a two week forced vacay and I still haven't had so much as a nibble, one part time freelance gig, several free meals, three vomiting sessions, several encouraging emails, a few discouraging phone calls, and an overall miasma of fear. Sighs...

The weekend was capped off by good time with FeeJ and Portana. We had Thai take-out, drank wine, talked smack, and watched "Kung Fu Hustle" and "Willow" (the latter, I'm fairly certain, they both despised.)

And now the weekend...which should be a time of celebrations, just another two days where other folks who have jobs get them off and I am left to worry some more.

sighs...It's also great when the first thing you see when you log in to Yahoo is another terrible headline of gloom and doom regarding the record number of lay offs in February and unemployment levels reaching record lows.

: (

1 comment:

Mark said...

Hope things improve for you soon.