Monday, March 02, 2009

Unemployment, Wk 2: 1st interview pt 1. The set up.

"I always call softball practice 'rehearsal' by accident..."- Twink

Me? I have a habit of calling interviews "auditions". Same thing.

Interesting developments, kids. So I spent last night getting my business together- Resume' hard copy, mental note as to what to wear, checking the address and materials needed. Instead of hitting the gym at 6, I opted to sleep in a smidge to look and feel rested. (No sense having luggage under the old eyes) I email my ressie out some more to another promising lead by a buddy that just learned my sitch, and began my day. Starting with coffee, yogurt (soothes frassy tummies) and a 'Nana (firms the stool, just in case) And-

  • Sets out undies and brand new dress socks he received for X-mas. I'm opting for the blue blazer, white shirt, khakies, and brown lace up Oxfords. (Potential employers can frown on loafers, and may prefer the architecture of tied shoes) Remembers that Moda doesn't dig the look, shrugs because he doesn't wanna do the all-black hitman suit until a second interview is assured.
  • Shower. Check that the 'burns and newly shorn face don't have a lick of stubble. My grooming has made sure I'm amply deodorized, and I 86 any cologne lest I offend.
  • Grabs blazer. Oh f#ck. There is dust on the shoulders. Thick. Dush. Work on it with a lint brush.
  • Grabs white shirt. Oh f#ck. The sleeves are still rolled up from the last time I wore it. There is a make-up smudge on the shoulder from a post-show hug. and the sunlight reveals some wrinkles. Fudge. Here's to hoping I won't need to take off my jacket.
  • Run down to grab my khaki's from the base. Oh F#ck. There is white streaky laundry goo down the ass and leg. Runs back upstairs to check for back-up pair. Find them, and throw then in the dryer with a wet towel to floompf them up.
  • Check the address again. Write it down.
  • Grabs shoes. Oh f#ck. THEY are even covered with dust and a little snow salt. Rues the day he didn't buff them before. Uses a dust mitt on them, and a wet washcloth which evens out the scuffs etc.
  • Dresses carefully, combs hair, lotions dry hands and face, grabs tie.
  • Oh F#ck. Notices that the tasteful tie he chose to compliment his ensemble doesn't have a unique print, rather it is interconnected red wine glasses. Let's not send that message yet, shall we. Goes with solid dark red power tie.
  • Starts my car. Checks business again. Checks to see that he isn't sweating.
  • Puts on jacket. Thanks goodness that it fits because he told the guy he was bigger than he was when he first bought it (43R) and isn't like his other fitted coats from later years (42R). This keeps me from looking like a man in an ill-fitting suit.
  • Tucks ressie in a nice leather folder, tucks that in his man-purse, heads out 45 minutes early...just to be safe. One last look in the mirror. Can't notice any stains on the white shirt. The tie knot looks...decent. Off to downtown.

End of part one.

1 comment:

momo said...

How cute are YOU!?