Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You need a "Hero"...

Hey all. I got a job. But before I frass about that tomorrow (I wanted to shore up things with the UNEMP website...which is about as easy as translating Sanskrit...and verify employment before I frassed about it.)

So today's post is about "Heroes". I have the same frassin' issues that most folks have had with the series. Moda and I Netflixed it, got into it, then promptly got disgusted post-strike. She's slowly weaned herself off of trying to stay involved whereas the true geek that I am will be attempting to ride it out. This post is particularly regarding tonights episode. If you'd like some re-caps on other episodes to discuss please feel free to leave comments or email me if you have it. But my butt is sore from simultaneously watching it on Hulu/checking emails/reading the UNEMP website to so if you do, I'm grateful- Enjoy


Okay, last week was a good cliff hanger that set me up for the new writers who are (probably) still finding their sea-legs and figuring out what they could kibosh/clean up from the horrors of season 2/3. I held my expectations until the end and while I liked it overall I still had some fanboy/fan issues:

Teh Like-

Peter and Mrs. Petrelli figuring their s#it out. I hope this will eventually either solidify her as a strong goal-driven character or be the f#ck-all Judas of the series. I think past seasons would have spent 70% of the episode discussing feelings and how Peter didn't like Fruit Loops as a kid but because Nathan did they always bought Fruit Loops and "Goddammit, Ma...I LIKE FRUITY PEBBLES...BECAUSE...WELL...I LIKE GEOLOGY*, and NOT GEOMETRY!!!"

Nathan and Claire...I wasn't sure why they were in Mexico and it didn't bother me as much as I thought. (Like when you said "WTF is Hiro doing in 17th century Japan?") They're on the lam, and you probably (like me) were distracted because Claire has such CUTE new bangs that make her look slightly older so you don't feel guilty thinking she's a cutie-pie. His post-drunk confessional in the hotel room (only slightly spoiled because I was like "Whoa, folks...Biological Father here and she's undressing his drunk-ass")

I mean, it was kinda faulty ("I'm gonna bet frat boys that I can outDRINK them to get money! THAT'S my solution...by the way, my power is that I can fly...") but having her pick up the slack because she can regenerate. Okay, okay, fine...it might promote underage drinking, but she can f#cking regenerate and is nigh on immortal. It's cool if y'all are altruistic and shit, but if you can't attack the ol' liver with some fervor just to have it grow back, well...it's time to challenge yourself. Ask Wolverine. (So yeah...good job using a power for something kinda practical.) And their talk the next day was pretty earnest as well, and holy shit, Mr. Natalie Maines was finally ACTING instead of "Jaw-Acting" while looking serious...Good boy.

I'm glad the shape-shifter was a skivvy douche and not another "OH F#CK...I HAVE A POWER!!! Don't HURT MEEEE!!!") It's like the old "Would you choose flight over invisibility?" conundrum. They say folks who choose "invisibility" would totally pull a Kevin Bacon in "The Hollow Douche" and rape and pillage his invisible junk through the world. This guy could look like whoever he wanted, and did, and tried to score...prick. So when "Terminally Ill Looking agent" and Skylar went looking, you were like "Yeah. Fucking get that T-1000 having-Roofie-Popping Douche!!!"

They didn't try to shoehorn EVERY other character in just to say "Their still here! Don't forget them!" Oh we won't network. We may seem like forgetful frassers, but we wanna know what happens next okay? That's what a cliffhanger ending is called, and that is how people will come back and watch your show.

Sylar's eye change at the end. Nice touch. He (disguised as she) could have done a ghetto-ass effect and had him just shake his head five times going "budga-budga-budga-budga" and been MAGIC Sylar again.

"We Gotta Get Out of this Place" as a closing montage song? Nice touch.

The not-so-"HERO"-ic: (IMHO)

(Disclaimer- I'm not against allegory, just when it doesn't seem to need to be there)

So Peter and his Ma take refuge in a church and have a protracted dialogue regarding his and her upbringing, and eventually make amends. Great. But he puts her in dry clothes which "shawl" her and BOOM...we have the Virgin Mary in the pews staring at the statue of Jesus! It's practically a reverse pieta when Peter (And sorry. He still sounds like the guy at the High School party who brings their guitar and is like...all emo like..."Hey...I wanna play for you ladies this song I wrote called 'More Than Words'. It's from my soul and stuff". I want him to turn into hardcore "future" Peter where he's bitter and jaded and gets a scar from Sylar. ) But he gives this speech in the church that didn't seem to have the same impact as, say, this one from the "West Wing": (Back me up, Eva and Wiiman)

Too. Forced.

Claire and Daddy are in Mexico. Why? Isn't Alejandro still alive? I didn't like him, but they could have done another throwback. Yeah?

Mr. "Doesn't Look Too Healthy" guy and his new friend Sylar: "Can you not do the head thing?" And Sylar DOESN'T?!?!? C'Mon. He shouldn't be doing it at all then. Yeah, he learned "not" to during season 2, but it's Sylar. Frack. A killer!

I want Peter to have different powers now. Again. Like season 1. There are still too many "I don't have the same powers" or "I've lost my powers" types running around. (Well, if Hiro still doesn't have his time-travel powers that'd be okay by me)

If you've read this, I'm amazed.

* On another site, I mistakenly wrote "Geography". My bad. I also caught my displeasure at Sylar's lengthy expository discourses when a strong/silent killer is cooler than a chatty one. "Ohhhhhh you caught me MONOLOGUING!!!"

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