Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Unemployment Wk 2: Restaurant Week and Groovy Tuesday

I slowly arise to the roommate again and realize that, were I to gain employment we would need to have a talk regarding the a.m. bathroom situation. Sleep o'ertakes me again. The cat is with me, and I fall back thinking it's funny that he's been my stalwart companion through all this frass. (Normally he gets up to check on what the Bean is doing as soon as the Bean is up.)

I check my business to see if there are any nibbles. I create a new folder for potential leads and clean out my inbox of superfluous careerbuilder/Monster type stuff and begin chatting with the buddies. In order to begin some semblance of a routine, I hit the gym and do a 45 minute 4 mile run. Two things occur: One- There ain't s#it on tv in the a.m. I don't own an Ipod or headphones so I can't listen, and Al Roker being his animated self isn't enough for me. So I...TWO- Decide on meditating. Right there on the treadmill. I try and clear my head every 5 minutes, for two minutes while running. Empty the pot. Float into infinity. Anything to clear my noggin. It's hard. Harder than you'd think. And I realize that I'm a buffoon. An ADHD addled buffoon that can't "not" think of crap. Cars. Lottery. Upset at losing his job. What I'm doing in 2 hours. Maddening. I think I'll try this every time I get on the treadmill.

Moda changes our lunch plans, I pick her up and we decide to "support local" and hit Palomino for Restaurant Week. (For the uninitiated, it's where Twin Cities high-end restaurants serve lunch/dinner at fixed and reduced prices for the week. Drums up business and all that) We meet her sis and order. While bitching about bosses and workloads, I try to not think about the fact that a heavy work load means work, pure and simple. And am again peeved that I was let go when there was so much to do. Oh yeah, lunch? $10 for two courses. Suck it. The second peeve is that my SO has again grabbed the tab for me. I feel a little demasculated again. Can't help it. Hate it. Moving on.

Champagne was part of this deal for restaurant week, and half off bottles of veeno and bubbly meant we all shared a community bottle. This also meant my motivation was nigh on eradicated by the time I rolled home. Sleep took over.
Annnnnnd we wake. Business checking. And...holy f#ck. My inbox has 24 new messages? Outside of a dinner date with two hot ladies, regular buddy frass, and spam- There are several from yesterdays buddies referral. Wow. I make a mental note to review them individually for placement tomorrow. There were just...too many! I call the satellite temp companies in Bloomington and Stipples to let them know of my availability. I turn on what fading charm I have (producing, hopefully, giggles that weren't born of my stupid hammy wit) and get in touch with another potential contact w/in the family. Seems gubmint jobs are opening and who am I to turn down working for them.

Dinner is simple, and I finally crack open the box O' Pinot in the fridge. Over the course of the evening, I demolish a few glasses, check my business 5 times, watch half of "The Godfrasser part 2" (Which, folks, if you haven't? You need to see it. Wow.) I let Moda Know-da that I'm fading and call it a firmly tucked under my arm.

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