Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hi...sorry about that

Especially if you were following my sitch. As you know, things took a turn for the interesting after Wednesday of last week. Namely, a job.

So I jogged on Thursday, shaved, and took it easy. (The tummy was not so happy. More on that in a second) Friday, I hustled out in the world of the gainfully employed!

Here's the thing. I'm not sure it's my bag. Like, I felt really not cool with it. Like, everything the temp agent told me was contrary to the actually responsibilities I'd be doing. (Selling product, changing to 2nd shift to perform cold-calls in the evening when needed, travelling to clients homes to assist with appraisals/take pictures of things 4-7 times per month) It wasn't the exhaustion of being overwhelmed and excited for the first day, it was exhaustion at registering that I had been placed in a place I wasn't prepared for.

Sighs. Talk about gift horse, buddy.

So I stick with it and keep searching. The way I figure, maybe one of the positions I applied for late last week will call for interviews this week. Who knows. I just need to keep the cash flow in, you know? In other news, the unemployment office sent a letter denying my claim. I have until April 2nd to file an appeal, but that just sent my stomach into greater fits. I realize that in two days I've managed to hold down bananas and the occasional Boca burger. (Note- The last two days I've had a big breakfast, first at Triple Rock where Moda and I shared a Big-Ass Breakfast Burrito and today when I made a giant feast and got her sick off of the sheer volume of food I made. Heck, I even held down a celebratory cup of coffee. Score)

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