Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sometimes it's really cool to have a frassy grump jazz musician as a friend. I JS.

Fat Kid Midweek'll be playin' the Cedar tonight and oh, wait? Who's on the list? That's right-This guy, right here. (Sorry, Hadda brag for a minnit. It sounds so falutin' when you can say that you're "on the list". All I know is that it means I don't hafta pay. wOOt!)

So if you're in the 7 corners 'hood and wanna see some reeeeeeally good jazz- Here's where ya go:

CD Release party, btw. "Seedy Release"...


Shinobi-wan said...

I like that you use the word falutin''s a good word..

Roman said...


That's cool for the fat hippy.