Thursday, November 02, 2006

It's that time of year!

That's right campers: FLU SHOT TIME! Which means baby P can whip out some of his all new old cheap and hammy jokes for the Flu Shot nurse and fellow shooters. (I told the nursey that I have the same damn jokes every year and they keep getting funnier)

1- "Is this the victims room?"
2- "Why do we have to wait 10 minutes after our shot again? Is it because of the swine flu? Does that mean I'm gonna sprout a curly tail and root around in a trough?"
3- "Backdoor or the arm?" (In reference to where I was getting shot)
4- "Can my tattoo say 'Mom'?"
5- "I'm afraid you'll have to unwrap another hypo there, lady. You'll probably bend the first needle trying to spike through THESE BAD BOYS!" (Flexes gamely)
6- "Jeezus...they didn't tell me that they were switching to using lumber nails in lieu of needles"
7- "Aren't you supposed to flick it a couple of times to get the air bubble out? I saw that in a movie once..."
8- "AAiiiaiagrrrhrrhgh" (During the shot)
9- "If I find an egg in my toilet bowl, does that mean I have the avian flu?"
10- "You know that these are the same jokes every year, right?" (Her response: "Well, if you only get to use'em once, right?")

So now I've got a sore deltoid for all that frass. The things I do, to prevent the flu.

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